Azazel dialed Sam, holding the phone up to her ear praying he'd answer and when he did she almost sighed in relief.


"Get your ass to the fucking school now! Paul's gonna- FUCK!" Azazel screamed rolling out from underneath the table as she could see Wolf Paul gearing up and pouncing on the table. "Bring me Clothes too while you're at it!" She snarled through the phone and this time when Paul pounced to her again she shifted tackling him.

'You wanna fight? Let's fight!' She thought without hesitation and Paul didn't flinch at her sudden shifting. He had proven himself in that moment to be quick to think of instinct and unlike when she fought against Jared and Sam, she could not use his mind to her advantage. The brawl was brutal, the two of them fighting with no regard to their surroundings as they destroyed lunch tables and chairs and made holes in the walls surrounding them. He tackled her and she maneuvered quickly clamping a jaw around Paul's throat.

He suddenly whined and shook his body but her jaw was locked and she didn't even lose her focus on Paul, even when Jared and Sam burst through the doors of the cafeteria , their eyes wide at the sight of the damage caused. "What in the world happened here?" Jared gasped staring all over, at the room.

Paul's paws scratched at the linoleum floor trying to find a way to escape the bite but soon his eyes fluttered shut. "You're gonna kill him!" Sam gasped to Azazel who had not let up her force as she growled. "Let him go!" Sam snapped and her lips curled revealing bright white canines. "AZAZEL Let Him Go!" and at the tone her mouth opened and she sat down staring at Paul who was starting to shift back into a human. "Shift back and get dressed." Sam scowled in that same tone causing her to shift back within seconds.

"Did... did you kill him?" Jared asked softly walking over and poking Paul's cheek, his eyes looking at the bite mark that bruised Paul's skin.

"No. He's stressed but we gotta take him away from the public if he shifts again over finding out the news." Azazel waved her hand panting and getting dressed. She felt Sam's gaze and grimaced. She didn't mean to injure Paul that badly it was just... instinct.

Sam didn't look happy with her but at the same time he didn't know if he was able to argue with her. Finally he decided his course of action by turning to Jared. "Here, wrap him in the blanket and get him out of here. Dan, you handle the security camera's footage. I'll break them here and try to clean up as much blood as possible. You know, DNA."

"Got it Boss." Jared waved a hand pulling on Paul's backpack and picking up his stuff before picking up the unconscious boy himself.

When they took off, she broke into the Principal's office next , and despite having rudimentary knowledge with technology managed to get into the Principal's computer and delete and turn off the security cameras.  You'd think Principal would remember to have his computer's password as something other than his Dachshund's name. 

Alright... out of the office. She just needed out of the school and then she was home free. She grinned fixing her jacket  as she walked through the school hallways when she heard the sound of a radio.

See... she would have run... really... but there was multiple officers and one of them recognized her.

"Hey Chief Swan."


"Azazel Addanc Mohinga." Charlie Swan spoke her name slowly and he swore that he didn't know how tiring taking responsibility would be for a fifteen year old would be. "Why am I not too surprised to hear you are by the area where I got a disturbance call?"

"See that's so weird. You got a disturbance call? It's been pretty fuc-" Charlie looked at the girl who's cheeks suddenly blushed bright red and she grew silent.  Chief Swan finally pulled his gaze away from the mirror calling into his radio for the other officers to check out the disturbance.

"You wanna tell me what happened or am I gonna find out from the security feeds?" Charlie Swan looked to the mirror again as he began driving to the station. "Ms. Mohinga?"

"Well... it was supposed to be a normal day but Jared didn't get to the school in time to - and would you look at that you're getting a phone call."

Charlie frowned. "I'm not done talking to you. As of right now you're still a suspect." He scolded before answering the phone. "Chief Swan." He answered professionally , he didn't miss the mocking movement of Azazel's hands as he spoke.

But the person on the line took the attention off of Azazel as he heard what happened. he remained frozen until suddenly Azazel slammed her hands on the window that normally separated cops and criminals in the cop car. "Why the fuck are you sitting there like a daft duck?" She snapped. "Drive to the hospital!"

Charlie Swan didn't need to be told twice as he then hit the gas and began driving to the Hospital that held his daughter. When they hit a stop sign Charlie turned to look at her with a shocked gaze, "Wait! You're technically a suspect!"

"Oh just keep the windows open a tad and cuff me if need be." Azazel shrugged. "After you and Little Swan wrap everything up you can take me to the station and have another cop interrogate me." She dismissed.

"Now why would I have another cop do that?"

"Compromised interests." Azazel explained. "They have that happen at hospitals sometimes and to be completely honest to you.... I want to try to be less bitchy to you specifically."

"Me specifically? Something tells me I should view that as an honor."

"You should listen to that something Chief. Now try not to run anyone over while speeding."


As boring as sitting in the car was... she would have preferred it to be uneventful when she caught sight of a group of teenagers loitering in the parking lot. Almost looking like they were arguing. Teenagers with beautiful pale skin and features that called to her.

Through the small crack in the window she could smell them...

Like someone who had decided to jump into a pool of perfume and so so strong that her nose burned.

The tell tale signs of a vampire.

It was nothing like the movies , no fangs, no burning during the day and no long black capes. Yet it was everything that Sam had told her. She didn't even realize that she had been leaning closer to the window until she heard the clink of her handcuffs against the glass of the window.

As though they heard her, she could see their heads turn her way. Her emerald eyes were wide and she couldn't help but stare at them. At the blonde boy with arms littered in crescent mooned scars. At the short pixie girl in fashionable clothes rivaled only by the other blonde female with curves that brought envy and another smaller female that she couldn't quite see due to the blonde. At the muscular brunette who seemed to have a soft smirk on his face.

All four sets of eyes on her sitting in the back of the cop car. In typical Azazel fashion she stuck a finger up at all of them mouthing the sweet words

"Fuck you."


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