Jared Cameron

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"You've never spoken to the guy!!!"

"I don't need to talk to him to know!!"

Azazel steps into the house and rubs at her eyes

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Azazel steps into the house and rubs at her eyes. She's tired and it shows. She's been looking for work and no one on the reservation seems to be thinking twice about maybe hiring her. However school had been over for at least an hour and she figured that maybe Sam would be home.

She closed the door stepping into the living room and scowled.

"Contrary to your beliefs, I don't want to see either of you naked."


After the awkward interruption of Leah and Sam both attempting to lose their virginity, Azazel washed the dishes in the kitchen refusing to look at Sam. Sam however was shaking his hands and apologizing.

"No! No! No!" Azazel snapped covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. "I am so not willing to hear about your guys's attempts to fuck!"

"Oh come on! You're actually 22 and you're acting really immature about Leah and I attempting to make love!"

"Exactly! I'm technically 22 so I literally walked into child pornography!" she snapped before shaking her head. "I really really don't want to talk to you about this! We can talk about anything else!"

"Well... I was wondering, you know how we handle that whole wolf shape shifting thing?"

Azazel lifted an eyebrow and then turned to dry the dishes she just washed. "Well, for one thing I'm wondering when you'll tell your mom about it."

"Well it looks like I'm going to right now actually." Sam's shaky voice caught her attention and there was Ms. Uley standing there in front of us looking utterly panicked and fuming. Azazel slowly began to set down the dish she was drying and looked for an escape route.

It seems Ms. Uley recognized the shifty eyes that the both teenagers glanced at each other without hesitation. "Both of you stay. You have some explaining to do. "

Well. Shit.
._. ._. -_-

"So.... how long are you two planning on hiding from Ms. Uley?" Charlie Swan asked lifting an eyebrow at the two teenagers who definitely did not stay like Ms. Uley commanded.

Sam looked down picking at his food and shrugged. "Well Chief Swan.... I uh... when she stops being mad."

"Fuck that." Azazel snorted taking a bite of her food and upon Charlie's disapproval she faked a look of apology which she knew the Chief would see through immediately. "Look, until we have a plan Sam's not going back. Can you imagine telling your mom that you are trying to have sex with your significant other?"

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