Samuel Uley

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"Does you turning into a literal bitch have anything to do with you being an metaphorical bitch?"

"Just part of my charm sweetie."

When Azazel came to she had a pounding in her head and was sprawled across a mossy forest floor

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When Azazel came to she had a pounding in her head and was sprawled across a mossy forest floor. How hard did that car hit them? It knocked them into the fucking forest! She pulled herself onto all fours lifting her hand to her head. She could feel the world still spinning and couldn't get the image of Lunettes face out of her head.


Azazel's green eyes turned about wildly to see if she could find the girl with the doe eyes but... she didn't even recognize the forest she was in. "What the fuck?" There was no car wreckage, no sounds of traffic, no flashing police signs. Just the overwhelming pain that one could associate with an accident, but there was no blood... no bruising. Just the pain and a backpack with her initial on it? It looked just like the backpack she used to carry around in middle school.

Where the fuck was she?

Where the fuck was Lunette?

She opened her mouth calling out for the doe eyed girl and forced herself to stand up. She leaned against the tree calling out Lunette's name again when she heard it... the tell tale sound of heavy breathing. "Fuck. Lune." She gasped limping over to the sound of the breathing. The pain seemed to be going away and Azazel was just grateful because it made moving that much easier.

"Lunette. Please... I'm so sorry I-" and the words caught in her throat because that wasn't Lunette.

It was a man... dark tan skin, long silky black hair and brown eyes that were terrified. Azazel's hands lifted when he startled back as she tried not to scare him anymore. "Who are you?!" He asked and irrationally a small part of Azazel exhaled in relief. He was nude but he spoke English. Without thinking twice she slid off the jacket she had on and threw it at him to cover himself when she noticed he was trying to cover himself using his hands.

"Hey hey. Chill out man. I'm not gonna hurt you." She spoke squatting down to make herself less of a threat. "I'm Azazel Addanc Mohinga... call me Az or Dan." He looked like a man but his eyes were so scared. Almost like he was crying. "What's your name kid?" She asked watching as he took the jacket covering himself.

The man stayed quiet for a moment panting before answering, "Sam ... Samuel Uley."

"Okay. Sam?" She bit her bottom lip trying to figure out how to address this. "Have you seen anyone else while out here? A girl, light skin short brown hair? Brown doe eyes?" She asked glancing over her shoulder and when he shook his head she nodded. "Okay. Okay that's okay."

"I'm not a child." He finally spoke obviously not comfortable with the way she kept her voice soft and Azazel felt her temper flare but she reeled it in. She was trained for this. She didn't know what happened but this man was a victim of something. "I'm seventeen." Azazel's eyes bugged out of her head. Seventeen? He was fucking 6'6 and ripped.

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