Chapter five: gods give cool gifts! Olympus part:1

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POV: Annabeth

On our way to Olympus I ask Corrine who she wants to claim her when she gets back to camp. "Well it won't really mater will it...since I get a cabine to myself anyways but i think I would like Demeter or Poseidon." "why those?" "because I love plants and I have always had a Deeper connection with the water." I feel bad for her in a way. I don't know the technicalities of it but she could ether date somebody for any cabin since she has no godly parent or she couldn't date anyone since she is related to all the gods by blood. Let's go with the first! She is talkative usually. Her and Leo the past few days have gotten along perfectly working on some type of contraption for her cabin. Every Demigod is ether ADHD, dyslexic or in a lot of cases both, Corinne technically not being a demigod I would of thought she would be as normal as being related to the gods gets but again I was proven wrong. She as supper ADHD like Leo. always fidgeting, talking or zoning out. I think that's why they get along, there some of the only ones to only have just ADHD and to have it  in super super mode all the time. But back to the point she isn't babbling around like she usually is. Well I don't blame her! After only 3 day of knowing your relatives are gods you have to go and meet them in person 3 DAYS LATER!!!!! I didn't meet my mother tell I was like ten 3 years after I found out, her situation is very different. Also her sister is all alone at camp Jupiter. I bet her big sister adrenaline is still in her.

Now that we are at the top of the Empire State Building going into the elevator to Mount Olympus I only realize now that since we've gone in the elevator her hair and eyes have changed colours once again. To a blond like honey and her eyes blue like ice. She looks like she could be Jason's sister. Zeus is the god Influencing her most presently. She has a look of confidence and that says this is my life, this is me, and I am not afraid. It did her some good, the change made her look like her again! Even tho Zeus is my least favourite god after Hera.

"God I mean Gods of Olympus this is Olympus?!" Wow what a tongue twister how did she say that without.......having her tongue twisted?!
(Also I challenge you to say that really fast 20 times!)
"Ya it's a short walk to the meeting hall we're we shall discuss you and your cabin. Also quick reminder don't talk we're not spoken to. I forgot to tell that to Percy the first time and that didn't go too well...." " what happened what did he say?!"she said with a look of mischief. "I don't remember for sure. it was a long time ago but he insulted them pretty bad. after that 3/4 of the gods wanted him dead....let's hope you make a better impression!"
" yeah because all those dudes and all and those dudettes are my parents , my aunts and my uncles! Question Annabeth they're technically all considered my parents right?" " right.." " so how is that genetically even possible?" " it's not but like anything godly it's rarely technically possible. I just have stopped thinking about it. Oh and we're here!"

"Wow there the gods?!" She whisper softly near my ear.
" yes now bow"
We bow then take are small seats dwarfed by the room. The gods have shrunken to be around the same human size as us so they have small chairs aswell but still the room is humungous!

- so this is Corinne? Says Hestia
- hello lady Hestia yes I am Corinne.
- now who will claim her for camp purposes? Says Zeus
- well I wouldn't mind having another child. Says Athena

( Athena my mother wants her? She could be my sister?)

- Actually I want her! Says Aries
- well why don't we ask her if she wants a mother or a father then it will be easier to decide. Says hera already bored.

- I would prefer father please. Says Corinne

(Ok so not my sister that's to bad)

- then I want to claim her! Says Zeus
- I would love to have a daughter for a change! the past millennia I have had only sons for heroes how about a girl?! Says Poseidon
- you know that is fair and my dear I promise your life will be interesting. Says Aphrodite

(The same promise she told me. And look where that got me. Into Tartarus with my wonderful,goofy, annoying husband)

- so may I have claim over her?! Says Poseidon
- yes fine! says Zeus A little defeated
- but may we all give gifts to the girl? She is related to all of us and maybe we should put pride into that! Making her a symbol of unity among the gods! She would be a demigod to remember! Says Hestia very excitedly.
- dobwhat you want Hestia I don't care. Says Zeus.

I will just say the gift and the god who gave it so it's not to much dialogue.

• capability to fly and to summon lightning -Zeus
• capability to Control water, talk to horses and to breathe underwater
• capability to find your way underground
• charm speak
• fire control
• A strategist mind
- athena
• A ring that when you tapped it it could turn into any weapon you wish
(The ring is a celestial bronze band of laurel)
• a never ending bottle of nectar
• A bag with a never ending bottom to carry anything . With it still being lightweight
• fire being a source of calming thoughts
• A small conures (small parrot) so that even when you're alone you are reminded that you are not
• A silver crown ( band that goes around the forehead with a dupe in the middle with a silver gem) signifying that if she even needs the hunters help she has the status to do so
- Artemis
• An natural healer
- Apollo
• power to control plants
- Demeter
Corinne looks pleased probably at the fact that Poseidon is her claimed godly parent and that she now has all these gifts and abilities now. She is really all the gods probably the most powerful when I've met and I haven't even seen her in action. it will do great for Percy to have a sister because yes he has Tyson but a full demigod sibling? A sister? Plus she is still a child! It will help him in two ways. 1: it will help him A little more with the passing of Estelle. ( sorry in this story Estelle died of leukaemia one years before the story)
2: it will be A subtle practice of what having and caring for a child is like. Because a few days ago I found out I was.....

pregnant again?!

A child of all  godsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz