I swallowed down my last spoonful of food. "Yes, dad. I'll work in your company. When do we start?"

I heard a satisfaction hum through the room and I believe it was from my dad. "Next week, on Monday. Good?"

I nodded and excuse myself to sleep.

There's nothing else I could do. I even went through years of studies just for this.

I actually wanted to study architecture but my dad told me to get in the faculty of business. So I did what he said. If I didn't took my dad's offering to work at our company, I'll eventually ended up in another similar company. So there's no reason why I should reject him.

Working there didn't sound so bad after all.

But I knew that was just an encouraging thought for myself.

It's not my passion, I was just extremely good at it.

I could just hope that next week would not be another hell entrance for me.


It's been three weeks since I started to work at my dad's company and my thoughts couldn't get away from work. I needed time to adjust myself to the environment and I found it a little bit overwhelming.

But I think I've got a hold to it these past few days and was starting to get used to everything that's happening.

As I said, it was not that bad.

And I could buried my face into some paper works so I could forget my issues for a while. But that means I also forget about Bright.

It's not that I completely forget about him.

I couldn't say I forget about him when every night I stared at his phone number contemplating between calling him or not. And that stressed me out for a little bit.

So when I said about 'issues', Bright was one of it.

I sat on my chair starring at nothing when the secretary knocked and told me that the meeting was about to start. So I packed my things and headed out to the hall.

It was not a usual meeting. I didn't know what it really was because it was not part of my job. I came as the son of a successful company's CEO, not as a worker. When I opened the door I scanned around the room to find my dad and there he was, talking to another business man.

I hurriedly walked through the crowd before I lose him and directly tapped on his shoulder when I reached behind him. just to let him know that I was there and arrived on time.

He looked back and smiled when he saw me, then he dragged me beside him. I bet he was going to introduce me to his friend.

"Mr. Chivaaree this is my son, Metawin." And yes, I was right.

I wai-ed the man in front of me just to be welcomed by a friendly laugh, "Wow you've grown up." Then he continued to talk to my father about how fast time flies because he thought just a while ago he saw his son running around his house and now he was ready to take over his company.

But I didn't see any son beside him. I sighed, what a lucky son he is, didn't have to bother coming to this big yet boring meeting. The thing that could entertain me was the one and only, food!

I was about to go to hunt my foods down when I saw the man in front of me pulled a young guy beside him. "This is my son." Then my world collapsed.

I didn't know there was something else other than food that could entertain me, and that thing was flippin' Bright. Vachirawit. Chivaaree. Hell! Why I didn't notice the family name before?!

His dad was about to introduce him to us when he spoke, "We know each other." His eyes were creating holes to my face. Curse that intense stare! Bright you made me shiver!

"Really? Great! We'll leave you two alone then." His dad then started to walk along with my dad, talked about something else that was far away from work. I guessed that they're friends from the way they comfortably talking to each other.

"So are you going to ignore me any longer?" And that's when I heard his voice silenced my thoughts.

"What? No! Why would I ignore you?" I said scrunching my forehead. But he just flicked it and said, "Don't scrunch them, doesn't suits you."

I rubbed my forehead and couldn't help but think, where's the fragile Bright that I met a few weeks ago?

"I want to get out of here, it's suffocating." He said loosen up his tie.

So I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room after saying, "Let's go get some food."

Rather than staying there and eat the food that was served, I went out and took Bright to a restaurant.

We sat and directly ordered something before left with a slightly awkward silence. I was pretending to be interested in the marble table between us before looked up. "So it turns out we didn't need a phone call to hang out huh?" I said with a wide smile.

He chuckled as well.

With that the awkwardness that remains shattered away and left nothing. We talked and talked and ate just like normal people do.

Again, I enjoyed his company. There was something different in this guy that made me feel somehow comfortable. Not to the extent of feeling safe, but at least I was at ease.

So I just treasured the time while we're together.


Written: 26.05.20

Published: 27.05.20

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