“We're just playing. Don't be scared” It was Seokjin. Taehyung felt relieved after hearing that. 'At least they're not mad at me or something'

“But, in this household I'm still the most handsome” Jin added.

“As far as i can remember, Me and Jungkook owned this?”

“Did i stutter?”

Jimin playfully rolled his eyes to the older's remark and they all laugh except for Taehyung who's fondly watching the three of them. How he wish that he also have this kind of circle of friends. Ever since he started his café, he hasn't had the time to really go out with friends or even make friends. First, he's busy with managing Vanffee and he's contented with Adora being his friend. Second, he's busy with his passion, arts.

“Let's eat” Jimin said. Jungkook was so fast to dig in and took all the food that he wants to eat. Taehyung notices how the broad shoulder, which he thinks the 'Jin hyung', is looking adoringly to him.

Tae” Jimin called the younger “Just feel at home. Go and eat as well” Taehyung looked at the food that was on the table, there's rice, bulgogi, kimchi, soondae, sundubu-jjigae. Everything looks delicious, when he has about to get food gor himself, Jimin placed a bulgogi in his bowl of rice.

“Eat well” Taehyung nodded at him and  started to eat comfortably. Everyone went silent and busy munching their food.

“My tummy hurts” Jungkook blurted out after swallowing the last bite of his food, the youngest is caressing his tummy that's now full of food.

“That's for being greedy” it was Jin.

“I'm not greedy. You just cook so delicious, was it my fault then?”

“You just love me for my food, you brat”

“You just figured that just now?”


Jin and Jungkook continue to bicker at each other while the other two is just watching them. Jimin is actually used to them bickering all the time, they're not the type of couples that are clingy to each other, and he thinks that it's better to watch them bicker that actually glued to each other. He might actually feel sick, jokes intended.

Taehyung stood up that caught Jimin's attention. The younger is about to fix the used plates and utensils to put then to the lavatory. Jimin was quick to notice what he was about to do, he held Taehyung's hands to stop him.

“Let the three of us fix these. You're our guest” Jimin pulled him again, as he take him to their living room, and made him comfortably sit at the couch. He took the remote control and gave it to Taehyung.

“Just sit down and relax. Prepare a movie we can watch, okay?”

“We're going to watch a movie?” Taehyung asked, confused.

“It's our Saturday night bond and we always watch a movie or have some drinks. You're already here so  you should join us too” Jimin sweetly smiled to him. The younger just nodded as if he just fell to Jimin's trance. 'What do you expect me to say? No? He's smiling sweetly at me, i can't just say no. Wow, i sound so whipped'

Jimin left him the living room and went back to the dining area, where he fixed the utensil that they used while Jin and Jungkook joined their guest at the living room who's just staring at the television. It's not that he doesn't know how to operate it, he's just trying to process everything that's happening. He was supposed to be away from Jimin because he's been clouding his mind since he left Vanffee's but here he is right inside his soulmate's house, ate dinner and now joing them for their movie night. 'If i have the chance to meet fate, I'll definitely strangle them'

“Hyung, are you just gonna stare at the TV? or what?” That made Taehyung snap out of his thoughts. He saw Jimin's friends looking at him intently that made his cheeks blush. He's not used to this.


“He's so cute Jin hyung. Look at him blushing” Jungkook giggled while he's pointing at Taehyung whose cheeks became vibrant red. Jin giggled as well, 'Another adorable human'.

Taehyung once again scratched the back of his head. He can't even count how many times he already did this but he can't help it as well. It's yis only way to lessen the embarrassment and awkwardness that he feels.

“Hyung. Wait  what's your name again?” Jungkook asked confused.

“Taehyung. Kim Taehyung”

“Okay. Taehyungie hyung, how about we watch Avengers: End game?” Jin glared at the young man beside him. He's really gonna brainwash Taehyung to agree with him on watching the movie when he already watched it for like 100th times already. Unbelievable.

“You like Marvels?” Tae asked that made Jungkook nod excitedly.

“I like them too and i haven't watch Endgame since I'm too busy at work. I think watching Endgame isn't that bad, right?”

Jin's mouth hanged open, he can't believe what he just heard. Did this man infront of him really said that he likes Marvels as well and he's about to watch the movie again? Jungkook stood up and left his place beside the older, he went straight to Taehyung and snuggle right beside him.

“In this house, Taehyung only has the right to be snuggled and cuddled. HE LOVES MARVELS TOO, BOTH JIN HYUNG AND JIMINIE CAN'T RELATE”

The three hyungs were left dumbfounded...


Cutting the chapter here. hope you enjoy❤. I'll try my best to make longer chapters and update faster. thankyouuuu. 보라해.

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