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1. Do you use an alias or your real name when you write? Why?

I use an alias. Because, to be honest, I'm slightly embarrassed of some of the things I write about. So I choose to keep anonymous, so the people I know don't read my stories.

 2. How old are you?

I'm 15 years old. Sixteen in May.

 3. What inspired you to write your book?

Reading other books mostly. One night, after I had re-read all of my books by Meg Cabot, I just got on my laptop and started experimenting with my own stories. I love to read, and I thought that writing would give me the same pleasure, and it does!

 4. How do you come up with your titles?

I just randomly select them to be honest. I mean, whatever pops up in my head I write down, there isn't really a thought out process.

 5. Who designs your covers?

I pick images I really like from Google, and I just mess around with them using Picasa. They don't necessarily relate to my stories, but if they look good then that's all that matters- well, to me anyway!

 6. How did you make your story so popular?

Well, mine's not really that popular right now. But what I tend to do is upload once a week, and in between I will do lots of promotions in the Share Your Story Club. It takes a lot of my time, but I enjoy it too.

 7. Do you write an outline for your book before you start to write?

Nope. I force myself to sit down at my computer, and I just write whatever pops up in my head. I mean, I have a general idea of how I want the story to end, but that's it.

 8. What do you think makes good writing?

In my honest opinion, something really well written. The story has to have substance. If it is just some cliched teenage love story, then it's fine for a light read. But I usually go for the deeper stories, with issues that really relate to our generation.

9. How do you deal with writer’s block?

That is actually a really good question. I get writers block all the time and I seriously mean that. But what I tend to do, is I just force myself to sit and write, even if it is one sentence, it still helps. The story will start to flow on its own. Don't force it.

10. Do you have a favourite line from something you’ve written so far?

"And it was in the middle of shoving a forkful of spaghetti in my mouth, that Toby had officially become enemy number one."- I know it's a really weird choice, but I just love this line. It's in chapter 9 of TTAB, so it's not published yet.

11. Are there any Wattpad writers that have your attention?

Yes, there are hundreds. My favourite would have to be Musiq4lyf. She is the author of the STD Trace and that book- literally- has me in stitches. It is just too funny, and I admire how she is able to create such a light hearted comical story, that still has some deeper meanings.

 12. How alike/different are you and your main character?

I would say very similar. Most of the stuff I write about, I have thought about doing or saying. The difference is, is that they have the guts to do it, while I just hide behind my computer screen.

 13. Do you have any advice for fellow writers?

Not really. You can't really trust me to give advice, seeing as I am fairly new to this whole writing thing. All I can say though, is don't be disheartened when people don't react to your story the way you wanted them to. Write for your own enjoyment, not just to please other people.


You can find salamasunny’s book, Time Travel’s a Bitch, here:

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