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1. Do you use an alias or your real name when you write? Why?

I'm just known as The Broken Butterfly since it's quite strange and it has a link to one of my older stories that I haven't uploaded onto Wattpad.

2. How old are you?

I'm 14.

3. What inspired you to write your book?

I bought a game called Haunting Ground and when the game ended, I imagined what would have happened next. I decided to make my own version based ten years later with a much stronger protagonist.

4. How do you come up with your titles?

They just come to me. I find it quite easy to think of titles.

5. Who designs your covers?

I design my own covers so they're not very good.

6. How did you make your story so popular?

My friends offered to read my story and I met people on Wattpad who've really helped in reading, commenting and voting on my stories.

7. Do you write an outline for your book before you start to write?

I often create small outlines for my stories, mainly for my characters and places so it gives me more descriptive ideas and helps me to develop everything I've planned.

8. What do you think makes good writing?

Writing is good when you are able keep your readers hooked. Not everybody will like a certain story and every writer has their flaws when it comes to writing, but it doesn't mean their writing is not good. Everyone can write well when they try hard enough.

9. How do you deal with writer’s block?

When I have writer's block I usually tend to listen to music or read. Walking also helps since wherever I go I can get inspiration.

10. Do you have a favourite line from something you’ve written so far?

Not in particular, though I'm quite proud of the final sentence for Broken Memories as it refers back to the title.

11. Are there any Wattpad writers that have your attention?

I read a lot of stories on Wattpad and some writers who've caught my attention are Alem0007 and Alicia15b.

12. How alike/different are you and your main character?

I'm quite different from my characters as they fight villains, zombie apocalypses and things like that in alternative lives. I would say though that each character is based on some part of me that has evolved into another character. For instance, the powerful side of me who likes to be in control made Captain from Z.O.M.B.I.E.S and Catherine is made from the emotional side of me, how I deal with drastic situations.

13. Do you have any advice for fellow writers?

Never stop believing in yourself when it comes to writing. Who knows... you could be the next J.K.Rowling :)


Here's the link to her latest story - Z.O.M.B.I.E:

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