Chapter Three - Rumors of Love and Death

Start from the beginning

"No, no, not distracted. What makes you say that?" She tried peeking around the count to catch a glimpse of Wolf, but he wasn't standing in the door anymore.

I have to find him.

"Actually," Count Nicolae said, "you seem distracted right now."

"Sorry, Count. I need to actually relieve myself soon, or I'll go mad."

"I won't keep you, then. I just wanted to spread the word to you, Robert, Doctor Kenneth, and the duchess. I'd like to meet with you all privately tomorrow morning if we can, early enough to discuss the investigation's progress before the brunch show."

"Agreed. Good idea, Nicolae. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"Right. Sorry. As you were."

She curtseyed and scurried to the purple chamber. Nikita looked all through the room, as well as through the blue room. She even backtracked to the green room and scoured through the orange, white, and violet rooms, but she couldn't find Wolf.

"Where could he be? Is he hiding from me? Just avoiding me?"

She eventually gave up her search, got a drink, and settled into a conversation with Duchess Jemma Walters and Countess Mary of Vellenorra, who was just unmasked as the dragon.

Time passed slowly, but eventually the evening show came with buzz and excitement. Her excitement grew, as did the butterflies in her stomach, when she learned that Wolf would be the second singer of the night.

Soon, after a mildly awkward rhythmic poetry chant by Bear, Count Nicolae called Wolf to the stage.

Nicolae said, "Wolf, what are your clues for today?"

"I've been in love with Sage Nikita Shellanze for years...since before I understood love at all. My father would take me with him to the king's court to conduct business, but I never paid attention to the business because my eyes were set, my mind captivated by the countenance of the sage.

"My father, formerly a merchant, had bought a manor and quickly negotiated his vassel-ship with the king. Though we lived a two days' ride from the King, we went to the capitol often, and I would look for Sage Shellanze every time. In fact, my connection with the sage is unique—my sword was once held by her, and it was initially forged for her as a gift."

His story drew many gasps and murmurs from the audience, but in spite of his increasingly specific clues, Nikita still didn't know who he was. She stood.

"Wolf, have we talked with each other before, or are you an admirer I may have never met?"

Count Nicolae said, "You held his sword. You obviously know him."

"I don't remember any sword," she said.

Wolf looked into her eyes. "Yes, Nikita. We've talked before. You know me, and I know you. I love you, but I don't know if you love me."

The crowd applauded again and the new clue, and Nicolae said, "It is time for Wolf's song. Orchestra, play!"

Wolf sang from his heart yet again, and Nikita couldn't help but cry. He loves me. He actually loves me. There's no way this is an act...

The show ended with the unmasking of Bear, and this time, Nikita stopped for no one and walked with no pretense—she marched directly to Wolf, who had just entered the orange chamber. He started backing away from her until she cornered him between a couch and chair next to the room's fireplace.

"Sit, Wolf. We need to talk."

He obeyed. "With all due respect, my dear Sage, is this allowed in the competition?"

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