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If The World Was Ending
~JP Saxe & Julia Michaels

I was distracted and in traffic.
I didn't feel it,
When the earthquake happened.
But it really got me thinkin',
Were you out drinkin'?
Were you in the living room,
Chillin' watchin' television?
It's been a year now.
Think I've figured out how,
How to let you go and
let communication die out !

I know , you know , we know,
you weren't down for forever
and it's fine.
I know , you know , we know ,
we weren't meant for each other
and it's fine.

But if the world was ending,
You'd come over , right?
You'd come over
and you'd stay the night.
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant.
If the world was ending,
You'd come over right?
The sky'd be falling
and I'd hold you tight.
And there wouldn't be a reason why,
We would even have to say goodbye.

I tried to imagine your reaction.
It didn't scare me
when the earthquake happenedm
But it really got me thinkin',
That night we went drinkin'.
Stumbled in the house
And didn't make it past the kitchen.
Ah it's been a year now,
Think I've figured out how,
How to think about you
without it rippin' my heart out !




"I was just about to call you !"

" Seriously?"

"As serious as Black!"

"Say no more " , I chuckled

As serious as Sirius Black , for those who didn't get the reference. But I think there's hardly anyone ...

" So your dad called "

" My dad called 'you' ?"

" I know , right! But turns out , he actually likes me "


"Like how ? Did you ?"

" Um...I did . Every fudging thing! "

" You have no idea what a relief it is to hear that!"

" At first, it was quite complicated but now that the misunderstandings are cleared off, everything's back to normal I suppose "

Is that a little wishful considering it's your life, Isabella Winston?!

Fudge off my inner pessimistic thought processor !

"All's well that ends well! ", he said

" So the reason I personally called you was because I wanted to let you know this , plus I really wanted to thank you for being there "

" Anytime Bella . But don't you forget that if it wasn't for you then me and Lauren wouldn't have been together "

"Puh leez . You both were meant to be , with or without me "

FATEFUL BOND ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt