Chapter 1

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"Ughhh" I moaned rolling over, and hitting the 'end' button on my alarm. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and sit up. I walk to my bathroom (I get my own since i'm now a teenager) and start my daily routine. Brushing my teeth, showering, brushing my hair, and pulling on an outfit. Typically I like skinny jeans and a band shirt. Today was one of those days.

I walk downstairs, and grab breakfast from the line. I grab a bowl of cereal and fill it with milk. I'm walking over to my normal table when Ashley, the popular girl, bumps into me and laughs when I spill my food on some poor guy. "Omg, I am so sorry!" I say to the guy I just spilled milk on, while grabbing napkins to clean everything up. Well there goes my breakfast. "Watch were you're walking, clumsy bitch." He almost screams at me. Today is not going great so far.

After I clean up the mess, I grab my backpack and go to school. I don't bother with the bus, because it always gets us there late.

When I get there I walk up to the front doors and give them a push. I walk to my first period, and sit in a desk closer to the back. Shoving an earbud into my left ear and zone out.

A while later I look at the time and notice class is almost over, so I hastily pull out my notebook and scribble down the notes the teacher wrote on the board. The bell rung and we all went to leave, no one listening to the teacher whose telling us about an up coming test. The rest of the day is very similar to this.

After school, I go back to my room at the orphanage, and pull out my laptop. My laptop not the best, but the best part of the day is always watching YouTube. I open the lid, and go to my subscriptions page, noticing that there's a new 'Phil is not on fire' the 6th one. I watch it, almost squealing at the frame that looks like they're kissing, and laughing at all the appropriate times.

I eat dinner, then change into my pajamas, and head to bed.

Just another boring day of my life, how my life always is.

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