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When you sat infront of Jungwoo you greeted him . He started talking then „So you wanted to meet up ?"
You nodded . „So what's wrong ?" Jungwoo asked you .
„So uhmmmm ... yesterday Jaehyun and I met up with Johnny . And Johnny asked me for a second chance but as a friend . And because of that , me and Jaehyun had a little argument yesterday because I told Johnny that I will think about it." you said .
„Ouuu I understand. But I don't understand why it's so important to him to be friends with you . I mean he cheated on you ." Jungwoo said .
„I don't know , you tell me" you said .
„I mean we actually had a lot of fun when we were with you and Doyoung and Johnny." Jungwoo said then .
You nodded in aggreement.
„But Jungwoo , I don't know if I should give him a second chance , and plus that he's maybe behind the unknown number who calls me the whole time . I don't know" you said while you looked down .
„And what was the Argument with Jaehyun ? What happened there ?" Jungwoo asked . You answered him „It's just that he was angry at me for thinking to give Johnny a second chance . He said also that I need to see his point of view because Johnny is my ex and stuff."
Jungwoo agreed and said „I can understand Jaehyun's view . I would act the same I think if I was in this situation to be honest . So Y/n it's up to you ... are you going to listen to your boyfriends words , or do you give Johnny a second chance."
„Ugh... its so difficult ... I need time to think ..." you said
„Hmm you know what ? Take all the time you need . Johnny needs to accept your choice and Jaehyun also need to accept it in the future." Jungwoo said .
„Yeah you're right ..." you agreed .
„Oh and Are you going to invite Johnny to your wedding ?" he asked .
„I need to ask Jaehyun . I mean Johnny is still friends with Jaehyun haha so I cant decide that alone ." you said .
Jungwoo nodded then and you two spend the rest of the day sipping your bubble tea and talking about other things .

On your way home you also thought about this topic the whole time .
Then you saw Johnny and Hyunjin around the corner . You were hiding behind a wall and you listens to them because they were standing and talking to eachother .
„I talked with them , he's so dumb , he also went to the meeting with Y/n ." Johnny said . „Haha you mean Jaehyun right ?" Hyunjin Said while he laught out loud . „yes haha i mean he's like my brother , but to get Y/n back , I'm gonna do everything and this dumb boy is just in my way ." Johnny said . „So you gonna Tell me you still have feelings for her ?" Hyunjin asked .
„Naaah , I just want to fuck her. " Johnny Said .
„But Bro if she's forging you , let's fuck her together . I bet she's so good in bed." Hyunjin said .
„She is , with her I had the best sex ever in my life . Too sad that she loves Jaehyun" Johnny said .

You had enough , you decided to go in the other direction because if they see you , you don't know what they will do to you . You felt so disgusted from what they said . Johnny was such an asshole you thought .
You couldn't believe that this guy was once one of your best friends and also your boyfriend .

When you arrived at home , you saw Jaehyun watching TV like always . You came up to him and gave him a kiss .
You told Jaehyun everything that you heard from the conversation between Hyunjin and Johnny .
Jaehyun became pissed af and he was ready to punch Johnny but you stopped him and said „Baby stop , or else he will find out that I saw them , let's play the game with him , I mean when he thinks he could trick us , let's show him that we're better at it ."


Is this now the end ? | NCT Jaehyun FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora