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When Jaehyun came out of his room he saw that you were standing there . He looked at you from head to toe but then he saw your neck ... it was full of hickeys .
He was so hurt and went back to his room and slammed his door .

You didn't saw Johnnys expression but he smirked in satisfaction. Johnny and you went to his room. his roommate is Haechan but Haechan is visiting his family for a week . That means you can sleep in the room with Johnny. But you slept on Johnnys bed because you asked Johnny if he could sleep in Haechans bed . Luckily Johnny agreed. Johnny pushed then the beds together so that he can coudle you while you're sleeping .

Johnny Said then „Babe, I'm going to talk to Jaehyun okay ? Stay here" you just nodded .

When Johnny knocked on Jaehyun's door and entered the room he saw that Jaehyun was depressed . „Bro don't Act like that" Johnny Said „You don't Even know how I feel" Jaehyun said „Bro I already told you, I will make her mine , so here I am" Johnny said while he smirked .
Jaehyun went straight to Johnny and pulled his collar and was ready to punch him again but Johnny said then calmly „Haha sweet , you really think this is working ? I mean because of that she left you"
Jaehyun let go of him and turned his back to him and said in coldness „just be careful Johnny . I know her better than you , I know what her weeknesses are .im gonna Make her mine again. I know that she loves me and you're just a distraction"
„I wouldn't be so sure .. I mean you see all these hickeys on my neck ? She screamed my name last night , not your name . but good luck Jaehyun" Johnny said while he left the room with a loud laughter.

Jaehyun knew that you still had feelings for him . I mean he is your big love and feelings can't disappear in a few days .

Johnny entered the bedroom were you sat on his bed watching YouTube on your phone . „so how was it?" you asked
„Everything is Fine" Johnny answered while he kissed you .
You stand up then but he stopped you when he grabbed you on your wrist and said „Babe please don't leave me." you nodded and layed beside him and you both slept .

On the next day you woke up and decided to take a shower .
You took of all your clothes and wanted to enter the shower when someone pinned you on the bathroom wall „Jaehyun?" you said in shook while you grabbed a towel to cover yourself . „Oh y/n dont act like I haven't seen this before  . I know every inch of your body darling ." Jaehyun said while he tried to kiss you . But you pushed him away . Jaehyun looked down to your neck and saw all the hickeys that Johnny gave you . „so you are with Johnny now?" Jaehyun said . „yes he confessed to me 3 days ago." you replied while looking not in his face . „Y/n look at me ....LOOK AT ME!" Jaehyun said while he grabbed your chin to make you look at him . „Say while looking in my eyes that you love Johnny more than you loved me" Jaehyun said serious . He then also said „if you can say it I will let you go and will try to get over you" you replied then „Jaehyun ... you know that I cant do that . I mean I love Johnny but—" you got interrupted when you heard a knocking on the door . It was Johnny

Johnny knocked on the door asking „babe are you fine ?" you screamed „YEEES I aaaam don't be worried" you heard that Johnny went to his room .
You looked then at Jaehyun and said „go out and let me shower in peace...please "
Jaehyun nodded and left then .

While you showered you couldn't stop thinking about Jaehyun .
Jaehyun was actually right . You still love him and to be honest Johnny is actually just a distraction to get over Jaehyun...
but Johnny gave you so much love and Jaehyun was acting like an ass the last weeks .

You didnt know what to do.
After you took a shower you went back to johnnys room and he was already waiting for you .

„Babe is everything fine?" Johnny asked you replied with a quiet yes . You didn't know if you should tell Johnny how you feel and what happened in the bathroom between Jaehyun and you . But you decided to keep it as a secret at first because you don't want them to fight again .

For dinner you and Johnny decided to cook something in the kitchen with Doyoung .
When you three were ready with cooking , Johnny called all the members to come in the dinning room to eat together .
For your disadvantage you had to sit beside Jaehyun . Johnny sat infront of you . When you all were eating you felt a hand rubbing your thighs. You looked down to see Jaehyuns hand . That boy is Nasty omg .

You pushed his hand away and you excused yourself to go to the bathroom for a moment .
Jaehyun followed you and pushed you in his room .

„Jaehyun what Are you doing ?" you asked in disbelieve. „y/n you can see it. Im ready to fuck you" Jaehyun said while he pinned you on the door and checked you out from head to toe . He saw all the hickeys from this morning and he kissed all these hickeys. „Why Are you Kissing me ? I already have hickeys" you said
„I can't stand someone taking away what is mine, all these hickeys ... somewhere else where he kissed you?" Jaehyun said
You didn't responded and tried pushed him away . But he's too strong .
„y/n he will hurt you one day" Jaehyun said . „aha and you already know that ?" you asked „Look , I know him for so long now and he will hurt you.Please come back to me."  Jaehyun said worried .

You said „Jaehyun let me go ... please ..."
Jaehyun let you go then but said then before you left „think about what I said . I will never stop loving you"

Then you went to sleep and waited for Johnny to come to you .
When he came in he saw you he asked „babe is everything fine ? You missed my funny jokes haha"
„Yes I'm fine thanks for asking . I just didn't felt well." you said while you tried to sleep .
When you were trying to sleep you need to think about Jaehyun's words that Johnny will hurt you . But nevermind you thought . Johnny is not that step of Guy.
Or is he ?

1120 words

Is this now the end ? | NCT Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now