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At the next day in the morning you woke up by kisses all over your face from your lovely boyfriend Jaehyun...When you opened you eyes you saw your boyfriend staring straight into your eyes . He smiled at you and said with a deep voice „morning my love" . You blushed and smiled . „Nawww is my baby blushing?" he said with a big smile .

After you both ate breakfast you both were sitting on the couch in the Livingroom. Jaehyun decided to watch TV and you were on your phone scrolling through some Instagram pics.
20 minutes later Johnny joined Jaehyun watching TV .

You saw on Instagram a restaurant where you can eat waffles and you poke Jaehyun's arm and showed him the insta post . You asked „Babe it's so boring  how would you find it when we eat there ?"
He nodded and you both got ready to go .

After you both left , Johnny was alone in the livingroom . Doyoung joined him and asked him how he was doing.
Johnny answered „bro I have a big problem" Doyoung was confused and asked „about what ? Tell me"
„you know ... Y/n is exactly my ideal type and I know we are just friends and she's Jaehyun's girlfriend ... but I think I'm in love with her" Johnny said while he looked down in disappointment. „Bro you're dead meat if Jaehyun knows this." Doyoung said in shock.
„I know" Johnny said in agreement .
But Doyoung said then „But I think you should tell him."
Johnny answered „Are you crazy ? I mean ... i think I need to wait for the perfect moment to tell him."
Doyoung just nodded his head

After You and Jaehyun came back you both saw that it's pretty late that's why you two decided to go straight so sleep .

At the next day Jaehyun had to leave early for dance practice . I mean he had free time but he still wanted to practice the new Choreo with the members .

You woke up alone , alone in the bed , alone in the Nct 127 dorm.
You decided to go out for grocery shopping.

When you got home to your surprise the Nct members were already back . You left your shopping bags on the table in the kitchen and went to Jaehyun's room . You saw him laying there on the bed without any emotion.

You were worried about him and asked „Jae ? Is everything okay?" he didn't answered and just groaned and ignored you . After a while you also got annoyed because he ignored you . You were sitting on his Gaming chair while he was laying on his bed just staring at his phone.

After a while you decided to ask the members what happened . So you went to the kitchen and you saw Johnny making himself coffee and Doyoung cooking himself something .

Doyoung saw that you were upset and that you were annoyed. That's why he asked you „Y/n is everything fine ?"
You responded „No not at all"
„What is it" Johnny asked
„after you all came home Jaehyun is acting so weird" You said in sadness while looking down .
„What do you mean with weird ?"
Johnny asked ? „I asked him if everything was okay and he just ignored me" you said while water started building up in your eyes . When Johnny saw that you were so sad about it he became so angry of Jaehyun . Doyoung Said then „I think Jaehyun is just upset because today while we practiced he couldn't do one dance move well and he was not satisfied with his work today" you understanded now and you said „Oh I can understand that... I will ask Jaehyun if he can drive me home" „Why" asked Johnny „I think he needs time on his own because he's not responding to me at all. and i think it will be better if I leave him alone. please take care of him and call me if something is wrong"  Doyoung and Johnny nodded.

You knocked on Jaehyun's door and came in . You packed your things and asked Jaehyun „Jae , I know you're not answering but can you please drive me home ?"
Jaehyun just nodded and started wearing his shoes and he grabbed his Car key .
when you both wanted to leave the dorm , you gave Jaehyun a kiss on the cheek and said „Babe I know that you're feeling upset about it because the members told me .But at least you could tell me if something is wrong because—"
You couldn't finish your sentence because Jaehyun interrupted you and screamed „Y/n COULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"
You were shook because Jaehyun never raised his voice against you before. Water started building in your eyes.
„YOURE SO ANNOYING DO YOU KNOW THAT ? JUST SHUT UP ! YOU KNOW WHAT ,GO HOME ON YOUR OWN" Jaehyun screamed again and he went straight to his room and slammed the door so hard that you flinched. You sat down on the floor and started crying so hard in silence . The other members came up to you and started to comfort you.
Johnny hugged you and asked you if he should drive you home . You nodded and he drove you home. Johnny was so angry you cant describe it his blood was boiling as hell.

While you sat beside Johnny in his car you were crying the whole time and looked at the pictures on the phone with you and Jaehyun. Johnny noticed that and said „y/n it's okay Jaehyun will regret what he has done and will apologize I'm sure"
You just nodded .

After you arrived save at home you thanked  Johnny and hugged him. After a 20 min car ride Johnny also arrived at the dorm. When he entered the Dorm and his blood was still boiling and he screamed „JUNG JAEHYUN" he was so angry at Jaehyun because first he loves you and second you're his best friends and he wants to protect you.
Jaehyun came out of his room and was also crying . Jaehyun screamed back „WHAT" while his voice was cracking .
Johnny screamed back „HOW DARE YOU TO TALK WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND LIKE SHE'S A PIECE OF TRASH, ALL SHE DID WAS CARING ABOUT YOU" Jaehyun got silent. He just realized what he has done he was so selfish and just thought about himself being upset because of the Choreography. He just went to his room and he regretted  what he has done.
He tried to call you but you didn't picked up the phone .
1088 words

I hope you liked it :)

Is this now the end ? | NCT Jaehyun FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum