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D. Hayes POV

Where's that fucking noise coming from. Who could be knocking at this time in the morning , and what could they possibly want from me. Dragging my body out of the bed to open the door I find Maria all bright and chirpy and mentally curse my current situation. "I brought ya some breakfast thought you'd be hungry." Well at least she thought about me. At the sight of food my stomach grumbled loudly. "Thought so cowboy" she smacked her lips and let herself in my room and placed the tray of food on the nightstand.

"So what're you gonna do now handsome?" I sat down and started eating while contemplating what she just said, I need a job but that would be difficult to find considering that I'm an ex con. "I'm gonna look for work. I need money and a place to stay" I answer after swallowing the chewy eggs. " I heard they're are hiring down at the Van Doren's. Go check it out you could find something temporary until you get back on your feet". She said "thank you very much Marie. For the breakfast and letting me stay the night. I'll pay you back as soon as I can. Promise." I told her as she started piling up the dishes "don't sweat it sexy, any woman would give a limb to have you under their roof for a night and to fill your belly" she winked and sashayed out of the room. I went and took a quick shower ready for the long day ahead.

At the Van Doren's

I walked through the huge wooden gate with a sign on a metal plate written The Van Doren Estates, fancy shmancy typical rich people. I hope that Marie was right they were hiring, I could really use a job and i cant continue imposing on her despite what she says.

As I was looking around a middle aged man of about forty five or so approached me. "Hello son, Can I help you?" He asked me. "Im Hayes, Dimitri Hayes" I answer him politely " I heard you were hiring help and I thought I'd check it out" I continue "Oh yes, as a matter of fact we are. Follow me Mr Hayes" He turn to walk towards what I think is his office and i follow him quietly.

When we reach his office he offers me a seat which I take. And he sits in front of me a wide wooden table between us. His office was neatly arranged and was neither flashy nor modern, very woodsy and smelled like horses and sandalwood. "So, what experiences do you have with animals or any handy jobs?" He asked me looking at me curiously his brown eyes boring into me waiting for an answer. "I don't have any experience with animals Sir, but im really goood in handy jobs. I do a bit a of basic carpentry, plumbing and sometimes electrical services, if its not too complex that is. If anything needs fixing, lifting or moving, I'm your guy. And about the animals, I'm sure I can learn sir." I answer him with all the confidence I could muster, I cant afford fucking this up, I need this job. "And if I ask for a reference young man, would you be able to provide me with one?" He inquired. "No sir" I answer meekly. " And why's that if I may ask?" He looked at me, assessing if I could possibly be a source of danger. " Well you see sir, I used to work with my girlfriend but the end wasn't exactly pretty" Lie. No, half truth. I really did make most of the furniture in her shop, helped her assemble it and some times drive around delivering her goodies to her customers.

"Oh, I see". He replied with a tint of humor in his voice. "And you were living with said girlfriend?" I nod in affirmation. "So you're basically homeless too" he said in a matter of fact tone. "Basically " I replied. "Well young man, today is your lucky day. Seeing as we need an extra pair of hands around here you're hired. But since you have no references or dare I say any sort of backing, I'm gonna have to out you on probation for a month. Then we'll see how it goes from there Hmm?" He explained and i quickly nod my head " Thank you sir, you will not regret this" he nodded and smiled. " Right now I'll have someone show you your temporary lodgings and tomorrow morning come by here so you can sign your contract and discuss your pay. Then you'll start working immediately. Right now go and rest, you'll need it. Plus you look like shit" he chuckled and stood up to shake my hand. I took it and shook it firmly.

He heads out of the office and i follow behind. He stops abruptly at the door and turns to look at me "I'm Gustavo by the way, but you can call me Gus. Welcome to the family" he smiles and put his cowboy hat on. I mumble a thank you and we both head out. Both of us happy, him because he got a handyman and I saving my jobless and homeless ass with one shot.

Gustavo or Gus as he wants to be called leads me to the stables where we meet a guy who's about my age and introduces us. "Mark this is Dimitri, he's gonna be working here from now on. I want you to show him a room in one of the cabins. Make sure he's nice and comfortable yeah? I'll be at the main house talking to the lady boss should anything happen" he tipped his hat and left us. "Hey man. Let me show you your room."  I nodded and followed him.

As we were going to the servants' cabins, we passed by the main house. I have never seen anything this huge in my life before. Why does anyone need to live in such a bog home anyways. " Pretty nice hunh?" Mark says to me as he notices I'm gawking at the house. "Yeah, pretty nice."  I answered him as we both look at the house while walking towards the cabins. "Only madam boss lives there with her fiancé and her maids." He adds. " No kids? " I ask him. "Nope. No kids from what I've heard they barely share a room" well that's interesting.

By now we had reached the cabins in which the rooms were arranged in a row 4 in the ground floor and other four in the upper flow. It was honestly very nice looking. " The rooms here are pretty nice." Mark says as he opens the door to the room on the farthest corner. "You even get your own bathroom." I look around the room. There is desk, chair and lamp on top of it a wooden cupboard and a comfortable looking bed. The bathroom was big enough and I was just too glad I wouldn't be sharing that. " Thanks a lot man" i say to Mark as he tips his hat and reply "don't worry about it bro. If you need someone to show you around im at the stables. Don't be a stranger. I'll leave you to rest. You'll need it" Why do they all keep saying that. I nodded and thanked him again and he closed the door and i head to the bathroom for a long shower and nap right after. I'll take a tour later. This seems like a good start.

Hii guys. Hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Feel free to say anything, I have thick skin I promise😁. Love y'all XX. 💋

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