Chapter 10

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I was alone for a long time. Upon hearing Mia and her family were taking me to court, the principal called for a meeting in an attempt to settle things down. Even he thought that the actions Mia was taking were a little a drastic. The only thing that came out of that meeting was me being able to explain myself to my parents. On the drive home, they didn't say anything. I felt empty.

It was October. Normally, that's my favorite month. I would always get pumpkin spice lates with Hannah and Krissy, and go cash in on the fall sales at the stores. But, seeing as my friendship with Hannah had taken a hike, and Krissy had un-followed me on my socials, a sure sign she didn't want to talk to me anymore either, I was perpetually by myself. Though, one good thing did come out of it I guess. 


I felt the remnants of Hannah's rant to me the first couple times I stayed with him during breaks, but the feeling of his affection trumped any guilt I had left over. John became someone I could go to when I was feeling overwhelmed by the anxiety of having to face Mia in court that coming Saturday. He said he would have gone to keep me company, had it not been a case in Private Law. 

Private Law my butt. Not so private when I told John every little detail about everything that happened. 

"...and the judge said it was too early to make a decision so we all have to go back next week to hear his final decision." I finished. I took in a deep breath, not realizing I was out of breath in the first place. 

"Wow.." John said, astonished and amazed at the same time. "I still can't believe she would go that far."

"I know! Me too! Look at me and tell me if I would willfully hurt another person."

John looked up from the papers he was grading and gazed at me. The butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. 

"No, you wouldn't hurt another person." he said gently; genuinely.

"Would you?" I asked, quietly, time stopping around us.

"No- I don't think I could..." he said softly, his face so tender and kind. Soft and sweet.

He came over and gave me a hug, which I gratefully welcomed. He smelled like...robots and fresh linen, with a hint of lime and the outside. 

"The judge seemed to be pretty chill. I don't think anything drastic will happen." I mumbled into his arm sleeves, leaning my temple against his chest.

"That's good. And after he makes the decision, I'll be right there outside waiting for you, and we can go get coffee. I know this really great place, I think you'll love it." he replied. My stomach flipped. 

It took every ounce of will power not to say 'like a date?'. But this was totally a date. It was litterally a coffee shop date. This was a dream come true. 

I couldn't believe this was happening. All of this was taking a turn for the better, and I was loving every second of it.


"We find the defendant, Y/N Y/L/N guilty of the charge of the attempted murder of Mia Van Doren."

"Thank you, Jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned."

The judge's voice echoed throughout the court hall like the place was some type of gross underground sewer. The jury were the rats and Mia's family was pure vermin. I felt my mother touch my arm but I couldn't deal with anything right now. As fast as my converse could carry me, I practically fell into the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. This wasn't happening, this wasn't happening, this wasn't happening. I had just been wrongfully convicted with the attempted murder of a girl I barely even touched. What kind of fucked up world was this? 

Leaning against the stall walls, I started crying. The sound of heels clacked against the tiled floor and Mia came in, pencil skirt and all. I hadn't bothered to close the door, and she looked down at me pitifully.

"Have fun in jail, bitch." she said vindictively. 

I felt so weak, I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything.

When there is a tyrant in the midst of committing terrible actions, there is often little someone can do to fix that. The justice system is corrupt, and it is a miracle that any of us are still surviving with it in place today. Mia is a prime example of abusing the rules the justice system has put into place, as well as using her father to get out of this whole debacle squeaky clean. People who don't believe in social hierarchy should look at this situation and think again. Mia isn't just vermin, she's all the rats and spiders stuck in hell amalgamated together. She's terrible. Worse than terrible, she's harrowing. John taught me that word. John.

Oh god, what am I going to do about John?

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