Chapter 7

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The day never seemed to end. Math class was definitely 3 hours long instead of just one, somehow, and Science (my last class before lunch), was stretched on and on to the point where it seemed like the chances of me ever even leaving were infinitesimal. I was starving, but when the bell finally rang, and I got to my usual hiding spot in the back hallway, I couldn't even look at my sandwich without feeling sick. Krissy prompted me to at least take one bite, but I couldn't. Not with the constant thought of the fight on my mind. Hannah looked angry the whole time.

"Hannah- this is my fault- I'm sorry-"

"Don't- it's not. I shouldn't have launched at her."

"Are you really gonna go into that fight this afternoon?"

"I have to. If I don't I'll be a disgrace to the entire school."

"But you're already..." Krissy trailed off. Hannah chuckled a little.

"Then I'll be even more of a disgrace, Krissy. It's fine. I'll finally be able to put those 6 years of taekwondo to use. " 

I just sat back and chewed my lip nervously.

The afternoon went about at the same pace as the morning did, though somehow slower. It felt like I was in a dream- no, not dream- nightmare, as the bell rung and I made my way outside. I don't even remember my feet hitting the pavement as I walked over to the student parking lot. Hannah was already there, and Krissy showed up a minute later. Mia pulled up a shortly after too. It was sunny, but almost too sunny, and I felt so anxious, the butterflies were practically leaking out of my mouth. I stayed back, practically hugging myself. Hannah and Mia said something to one another, then stepped back. 

"So it's settled then. Me against the dyke. "

"Yeah hurry up so we can settle this shit, yeah?" Hannah glowered. "Or do you need a second to fix your falsies."

"Screw you." 

"Guys-" I said, forcing myself to speak out. "We don't have to do this-"

"Y/N shut up. It's already been talked about, and we're here. There's no going back." one of Mia's goons interjected. I obeyed and closed my mouth. 

A wind blew through the air, and it was too cold for comfort. I wrapped my cardigan around myself and watched the two girls in the middle go at it, slowly approaching each other.

Mia had her hands raised, so did Hannah. They circled around each other like sharks, stepping forward and then back every once in a while. Mia was the one who threw the first punch. Hannah avoided it and went to hit Mia, slapping her square in the jaw. Mia stumbled back and held her cheek before mentally throwing the rules into the trash can and running at Hannah. 

Other kids were starting to see the fight, crowding around, and that crowd of people amassed even more student and we were starting to see a nice little audience. 

They started grabbing and hitting at each other, and Hannah got a few punches in, though so did Mia. I felt sick. How was I letting this happen? It escalated further and Mia pulled Hannah down to the ground, trying to get on top of her. Hannah kept true to her word and pulled out some self defense moves, gaining the upper hand, seemingly going for the win, until Mia punched her in the throat, knocking her off.

There was an "ohh" from the crowd and Hannah was on the concrete, coughing. Mia didn't let up. She approached Hannah and stood over her, musing herself a god. Someone bigger than the rest of the world, and in that moment, it really felt like she was. Mia kicked Hannah in the stomach and sat on top of her. The fighting recommenced, uglier and uglier as the seconds passed by. I caught a blur of red and suddenly came to my senses.

I couldn't let this go down any longer.

"Hey!" I shouted, running forward and grabbing Mia's arm. She slapped back, realizing I was behind her, catching my face and scratching my cheek with those godawful nails. Hannah saw her opportunity and pushed Mia off. Mia's minion, Samantha, threw herself into the fight and it became a free for all. 

"Bitch-" Mia lashed at me. She pulled my hair and punched me straight in the face. I tasted iron, god, why does everything bad happen to me.

We continued scrapping, until I felt someone pull me back, and noticed two other teachers holding back Hannah and Mia, Samantha backing out on her own accord. 

Everything cleared for a second. I saw the students watching, Krissy standing in the corner, scared, and looked around to see John, holding me back. His hands around my arms, but the hold wasn't strong or forceful, almost gentle, like he knew I wouldn't go back into the fight if he let go. 

Tears flowed into my eyes and I was so disoriented, I didn't try to hold it back. A sob rose from my throat. Slowly, I turned to face his chest, curling into his embrace, returning to the same safe darkness I became so immersed in back when I tripped on the sidewalk. I cried and cried, and though I wouldn't have known it then, he was hugging me, keeping sheltered and out of harms way.

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