Chapter 6

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When I arrived back at school on Monday, I didn't know what to expect. John didn't look at me, simply passed back my work and kept going. I felt...conflicted. Angry? Hurt? I at least expected something more to come out of the experience.  Where did we stand? What was even going on? I needed answers, and that called for another bathroom session with my best friends.

It took every ounce of Krissy not to squeal with delight at the interaction me and my beloved had experienced over the weekend.

"I'm already planning out your wedding." she smiled, practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. 

"Planning who's wedding?" a familiar voice asked, followed by none other than Mia and her posse entering. I swallowed, making myself small. Hannah scoffed and hopped off of the window ledge. 

"It was a joke." she rolled her eyes.

"Pretty dumb joke." 

"What do you want, Mia." I asked, still timid. Whatever bravado I'd had last time we had an encounter was nowhere to be found.

"I was going to use the bathroom, but I guess I can't since you freaks are in here. But..." she looked Hannah up and down. "I guess she's probably into that. Dyke."

Hannah didn't like this. She was really, really proud of her sexuality, as she should be, and held a 0 level tolerance for bullshit like what Mia was spewing. 

Krissy and me held Hannah back, Mia laughing like the witch she was and looking back at her friends. 

"What are you gonna do? Call Mr. Mulaney to come save you?" she fake pouted, I wanted to cry. "I should have you know, I've got extra help with him after school today. What are you doing? Stalking him on Facebook?" the girls behind her giggled and I fumed, wanting nothing more than to tell her all about my kiss. I thought better of it and realized she would tell the principal in an instant, and this would all be over in days. John would get fired, and I would go back to be the lame little dweeb I was. 

"What's wrong nerd? Having a panic attack?" Mia continued.

"Stop it, just stop it!" I cried. "What did we do to you?" 

"Nothing, you're just fun and easy to pick on. You know I'm better than you, right?"

"You're no better than any of us. Just because you're head of the cheer-leading team doesn't give you a right over anyone. Go away! And leave John out of this." 

"What if I don't, you're gonna let your bulldog loose?" she looked at Hannah again.

"Maybe we will." I tried seeming intimidating. 

"Ugh, shut up. We should settle this properly if it's such a big issue. What, the Dyke and the rest of you. After school, today, in the Student Parking lot." 

Mia had just declared a fight. Hannah had no hesitation accepting.

"Fine. I'll beat your puny little straight ass so fast-"

"Sweetie, didn't anyone ever tell you being gay wasn't a personality trait." she said overly sweet. Hannah looked so mad she could have summoned the devil. 

"Student parking, after school. Today. " Hannah said, looking her in the eye.

"See you there." Mia said, smiling before turning and stalking out, her minions following close behind. You let go of Hannah.

"What the hell!" I said, spiraling into a whirlwind of worry and panic. "This cannot be happening."

"It's fine, don't worry. I meant what I said. I'll beat her ass into the ground."

"What about the consequences." Krissy inquired.

"Screw the consequences." 

"Hannah you can't actually-"

"Shut up Krissy, I'm tired of her crap." Hannah said, irritated. 

I didn't have the heart to say anything. I couldn't say anything. I was too scared. Again, this all felt unreal. I didn't know what to do, and I guess there was nothing I could do except stand by and watch. 

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