Chapter 1

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My alarm rings and I awake from my slumber. Then I check the time. Oh god, my emergency alarm is ringing. I slept through my first one and I'm really late. God, I'm such a mess. No time for breakfast I guess, and I run to my closet to pick out the best thing I can in the amount of time that's left. I have fifteen minutes. Rushing, I pick out a pair of worn out jeans and a cute over sized flannel that pairs well with a black crew neck t-shirt underneath it. I pull on my Converse and I'm ready to go. I throw my hair in a messy bun and brush my teeth as rapidly as possible, throwing things into my bag. I run out the door and sprint towards the bus stop. I'm halfway there when I realize I left my phone in the bathroom. Darnit. I turn on my heel and run back, grabbing my phone and start running back again, only to see the bus driving mindlessly past my stop. Defeated, I drop my things on the ground and groan.


I get to school eventually and after checking in in Homeroom I get my schedule. English first. Could this day get any worse? I hate English class. The books are SO annoying and that Holden kid seriously needs therapy. This year we're supposed to be reading The Great Gatsby. I've seen the movie and let's just say I'm not looking forward to reading the actual book. I enter my class, and a knot in my stomach tugs violently. Not because the entire class is staring at me, no not that. But, it's him. It's him, it's John Mulaney. There he is. He's...taller than I would have anticipated. I realize I'm staring at him and look away, zoning back in.

"Hello Miss..L/N, glad to know you take the pleasure of being late." he told me. My face flushes red.

"No, I'm not- I just-"

"It's okay, I was the same. Just sit down, and don't do it tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you." I say and sit at the back corner of the room, immediately spiraling into my old overanalytical self. Okay, thank you? Really? That was so dumb. But he wasn't angry. He was really nice about it. No! Don't look! Just keep your head down and pretend you're invisible. You're probably just dreaming.

"I would like to let all of you know, that you are not, in fact, dreaming," John Mulaney spoke from the front of the class. "I am going to be your new English teacher for the time being."

"Where's Mrs. Smith?" some kid asks from the other side of the room. 

"I regret to inform you that she was the victim of a lethal baking accident and lost her life over the summer. So, you're stuck with me." John explained. 

Was this actually happening? Was the John Mulaney my new English teacher? This was insane. Everything bad that had been happening up until now was completely redeemed. And even if this was some elaborate joke, I could still say I'd seen him. I could still say I'd met him. 

And maybe if he did stay around, I could some day say I'd known him as more. 

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