"But why did mum do that? And why did she get herself involved with those filthy criminals?" I said interrupting her.

"She wanted revenge. They killed her parents and husband."


"Charlotte, are you sure you heard right?"

"Like I said,if you don't believe me then check my phone. I have to finish Sylvia."

"Sorry for interrupting." I said. Charlotte nodded and continued.

"Dad was sent by them to kill her but he fell in love with her. Dad ran away too and started a new family with mum. Mum didn't know he was sent to kill her. And they got pregnant with me two years after you were born." she said and stopped.

"Continue. Why did you stop?"

"Don't you know what this means?" Charlotte said.

"No. I don't."

"Dad isn't your real father. You are my sister from another man."

I realized what she just said and froze.

I was the daughter of a drug lord! My life just keeps getting worse and worse.

"I guess that is why he always hated you. He knew you were not his daughter. He had to kill mum so that they would not kill him. He let out all the rage on you knowing you were not his daughter. That's why he treated me differently."

I guessed Charlotte was saying the truth when I remembered what Dad said when he was crying.

"I am so sorry I had to do this honey but I had no other choice. I had to do it. I had to earn their trust. But I did love you...I swear."

My mind also went back to two nights ago.

"Never in your miserable life call me your Dad or father."

"Sylvia you have to run away! Daniel knows you are alive and if he finds you,they will kill you."

"But what do I have to do with this?"I was innocent. Why did they want to kill me?

"They don't want anyone destroying their business. They believe you are threat. When Daniel caught me listening,he shot me before he shot dad. See what he did to me!" she said sobbing.

"I don't know how the police found out about the shooting. I guess one of the neighbours must have called them. But Sylvia those drug lords don't know how you look like. You can still run away."

"Then this is a perfect opportunity. I can get back at them for....."

"NO!!" Charlotte interrupted immediately.

"But they don't know me. They don't know how I look like."

"You are just putting yourself in more danger Sylvia. You can't even do anything. You are not up to their level. And besides you are very weak and naive. You can easily get killed. See where it landed mum. Vengeance isn't the answer. You will just be living your life in hatred and sorrow. Please don't do anything stupid. You are still young. Just 21. You have a whole life ahead of you. Just forget. Don't be offended but its the truth."

She knew me so well.

"Dad has a lot of money. Go to his room and search for his card. Finish school and enjoy your life."

"Why are you talking as if you are going to die? Two of us will live a happy life."

"I have cancer."

No! Not another loss. Not Charlotte.

"Charlotte..." I was trying to find my words.

"I was in the hospital that night I came late. I had found out since two months ago and that was where I wanted to go yesterday morning but I stayed back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

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