We enter and look around, we're in an all white room and Aizawa leads us all to some giant forest swamp situation of an area. Theres seems to be a lot of trees and the ground is govered in, when I checked, almost endlessly deep water. After 

aizawa leaves us theres we hear speakers turn on and the voice of our familiar Sensie.


The entire facility seems to shift backwards, theres panicked squeeks and confused yells, Kachan bends down to whisper in my ear then bolts off with his explosions.

"Keep up."

I sprint off, I thank my agility trainning for being able to bolt through the trees, also the fact that I have a stream line suit. I'm zipping through the forest, not really doing AMAZING but way better then some people, Mineta got his diaper bowl thing caught in vines, Ayoma an Tokayami keep getting their capes caught, Luckily I just abandoned my shall at the start. Iida who you would expect to do great at a race is wasting away far behind with the clunky suit and inability to to really go fast without getting caught in some vines.

A lot of other are doing well but are getting kinda injured, those like Kirishima, Mina and Momo who have alot of exposed skin are getting really beat up bye the scragally sticks, I would to if I didn't use my wings to protect my exposed skin, like Shoji and his octapus arms. 

Uraraka is doing decentally well, She's just having problems porpelling with the boots but other than that she sometimes gets a really good shot and catches right up. Todoroki is having dificulty because he keep getting berated on the intercomes to not kill the ecosystem and that incoveinioncing other classmates will eliminate you, so he's only using a bit of Ice, Still doing better than Uraraka but right behind me. 

Asui is doing expondentially well and has passed me, Kaminari is slowley making his way through, far behind Uraraka. Jiro is doing better than KAminaring in the aspect of agility and the having the ability to smack twigs and vines out of the way with her jacks. Ojiro is swinging around with his tails, somtime smaking into trees so slowing him down, he's right behind Todoroki and tied with Uraraka. 

Sero's doing ok, right behind Uraraka and Ojiro because his tape keep getting the wrong branch or theye break. I can't see or hear Hakakure so I think she's behind, I'm not sure, She's invisible. Satou and Kouda first stepped into the water to see if they could run across but where lost, I think if you fall into the endless water you end up losing. 

The people who have already bean caught by the hord of viallain robots are Mineta, Ayoma, Tokoyami, Mina, Momo and sadly Jiro. Satou, Kouda and Iida fell into the water.

I eventually see an end to the forest swamp thing and see Bakugou and Asui struggeling to get down a steep mountain, and when I mean steep, It's basically a cliff. FINALLY A TIME TO USE MY WINGS!!! my wings have ulltimatally two purposes, sheilds and gliding, I can't "fly" persay but gliding of of things like trash piles, cliffs and mountaines, basically anythjing high up, is definitally doable. I don't have a graceful landing but I can do a dive roll and protect my spine with the wings so it all works out in the end!

I wizz past Asui and Kachan, I hear behind me Kachan screems some swears and Asui's face just looked shocked. I end up slight dive roll crashing on some type of smooth rock serface. I look ahead and am faced with big wall, What I can only assume is the biggest fucking maze I've ever seen. I enter running, trying to find my way though this anomally, but after about ten minutes I give up trying in this form and cave. 

I decide that mothra will be able to see past these twenty feet walls. I turn into mothra, just barely squeezing in between the walls of the maze. I crawl up ontop of the maze and see one or two people on the mountain, just barely esping the robots. I assume everyone is in the maze already so I fly my way over to some obviously chekered banner. 

I land on top of the wall, right infront of Aizawa and turn back, covering myslef in my wings and extending back my suit. I glide down and claim, just barely, first place. Kachan had the same Idea as me and I saw him sprinting along the top of the maze walls while flying, I beat him just barely, I should have never taught him how to fly with his explosions. (`ε')

Kachan faceplants over the finish line right before me and Senseis eyes. I burst out into giggles and Aizawa just sighs something about problem children under his breath. 

The day ended with me in first, Kachan in second (just by a hair), and Todoroki in third (He glidded down the cliff with an ice slide, also covered the maze floor in ice to wizz in all possible directions.

The day ended after a few more drills which where mostaly to build up are endurance and strength for the sports festival. Luckily no one really saw me when I turned into mothra ontop of the maze.

I guess it's going to be a surprise at the sports festival!

Mothra Izuku! - BakudekuWhere stories live. Discover now