Monster at the Castle

Start from the beginning

Tuff: "See that fish Kirby, that's the monster except it gets 100 times bigger!" Tuff said overexagerateing his arms when saying '100'

Kirby looks at the octopus confused.

King D: "I already told ya that ain't no monster!"

Tiff: "Stop lying DDD, that's the monster that's been eating all our sheep!"

King D: "this little fishy's too small to eat any sheep, all it eats is sardines " The king then tosses in another sardine and the octopus sucks it up. After eating it the octopus doubled in size.


King D: "see what?" The king is trying to act like that's not a monster

Meta: "I saw it"

Kirby and Tuff: "me too"

Escargoon: "the king already said it's not the monster, now get movin' the kings about to eat his dessert"

King D: "Except for Kirby, we need to have a word" He said teeth grit and angered

Kirby looked at Tiff, Tuff and the knights and rolled her eyes. Meta gestured for everyone but Kirby to follow him and they went behind a wall to eavesdrop.

Kirby: "are you going to try and hit me with your hammer again?" As she said this she remembered her plan the next time he'd try and touch her. muRder.

King D: "now listen here, I don't want you in my kingdom and I don't like you so I fixed your ship, which was a very kind thing to do, so you could leave"

Escargoon: "I say take up the kings kind offer and get out of here before you regret it"

Kirby: "I'm not leaving until I kill that monster" she was actually quite shocked about the ship thing.

The king is now very mad.

King D: "I said get out of my kingdom!!" The crazy king then pulls out his mallet and starts chasing Kirby around.

Kirby: "ah this isn't how you get people to do what you want!" She says while dodging the mallet swings, then stops to get ready to punch this mothafucker in the face.

Unfortunately she wasn't able to swing, for the glass tank containing the lil octopus shattered. How? Well it's a massive size of course. The octopus had grown to be too big for the tank, and it kept growing. Due to the sound of shattered glass Tiff, Tuff and the knights came out into the throne room to see.

Tiff: "It was a monster!"

Everyone watched in shock as the once small octopus grew to the point where it touched, then broke through the tall castle ceilings!

King D and Escargoon: "AHHHH" they said then took cover in the nearby hallway

Kirby's thoughts: I guess this is where I come in. ok ok I can do this. *looks at her shoes* nope *kicks off shoes* *notices hair* nope *pulls hair into a pony tail* now i can do this. I'm a wee bit scared. Woefhlsuefnlskj.

Kirby looked up at the monster, judging by it's speed she knew she didnt have much time before it would make it's way and destroy the Cappies farms. She looked down at the star necklace on her chest. She yanked the star off it's chain and threw it on the ground. The once small star grew to the size of a uhh I don't really's the warp star! Everyone watched in shock because they didn't understand how it works and neither do I :|

Once the warp star grew she hopped on and quickly steered to the octopus monsters direction.

Tuff: "YAY go Kirby!"

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Where stories live. Discover now