Heart is as Fragile as Glass {Part I}: Percabeth/Pertemis

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AN: This is a Pertemis two-shot. But it kind of Percabeth as well. The second part is coming out later today, I am already working on it :) 

IMPORTANT: Annabeth and Percy haven't started dating yet.

Here's a warning: I am editing this chapter later because, well, it is a little rush and is not my best piece of work but, oh well. If you don't like sad endings, this might not be for you.

Have you ever felt like everything you did was for nothing? Have you ever wanted to turn back the clock and change the past? Have you ever felt like your whole heart is breaking into a million pieces just because of two simple words I Do?

If you haven't, good for you. If you have, you know what I'm feeling right now.

This is why I swore the oath to remain virgin in the first place. This is the reason I should have never got close to any boy. Cause no matter what you do, they would always shatter you in the end.

I guess I should start from the beginning right? Anyway, my name is Artemis and my tragic life started in the summer, when the seven of the second great prophecy became Gods...

It was during the celebration party, I was searching for Perseus. I remember that I never thanked him for saving me from under the sky. I didn't need to search for him though, I literally bumped into him.

"I am so sorry," Percy said as he helps me up. "I wasn't looking and... Lady Artemis!"

I rolled my eyes. "Drop the formality Perseus. We are all Gods here."

"Then call me Percy," He said. I smiled at him.

"Sure," I said. We stood in silence until I remembered why I was searching for him in the first place. "I just want to thank you for saving me from under the sky years ago. I know it might have been too late but..."

"Hey," Percy said, putting a hand on my shoulder sending sparks into me. "No need to say thank you, I was trying to help however I can."

I give him another smile. Suddenly, Percy looked behind his back and turned to me with a panic look on his face. "Do you know anywhere where we could be more peaceful?"

I grabbed his arm and we ran to my garden. It is kind of funny, my garden is to help girls escape boys. But now it is used to help Percy escape the girls following him.

"Phew," Percy sighed as we flopped down on the ground.

"You don't like fancy parties?" I asked him as we walked toward the lake in my garden. Percy nodded.

"I'm not a bigger is better kind of guy," He explains. "I liked a small party. Or just a pizza and a movie."

I give him another smile, something I have been doing a lot lately. That was the start of the journey of our friendship.

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked Percy as we explored another underwater cave. Ever since the celebration party, we have been hanging out more. Honestly, I might even have fallen for him a bit.

Only a bit though.

"Yep," Percy replied. "Pretty sure. Okay eighty-nine percent sure." I glared at him. "Okay, maybe fifty percent sure."

I facepalm. "You took me to this place but you don't know if it is the right place?" I summarize for him.

He gives me an innocent smile. "Maybe."

"Let's go out then," I said. "You don't want to be stuck in a cave with a sea monster."

I might have jinxed us as a roar was heard after I said that. "This is a good time to run," Percy advised as we both swam out the cave. I glared at him again and hit him playfully.

PJO/HOO Ships: One-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن