Guilt: Pothena

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AN: This is a Pothena one-shot request by ArielleAngelRichards

Short summary: Athena accidentally hurt Poseidon, result in him going to Apollo's hospital to heal up. While he's there, something else blooms between them.


I paced in front of a room in Apollo's hospital, my face twisted in a frown. My long dark brown hair kept falling, blocking my view, making me more annoyed than I already was.

My mind was running a mile per hour, thousands of different thoughts ran through my brain. Emotions ran through my veins as well. The strongest emotion I felt right now is, you guessed it, guilt.

I may look like a heartless goddess of wisdom but deep down, I feel emotions as well. I'm not as heartless as people say. I'm just a little colder than others.

"How is he?" I asked worriedly when Apollo came out of the room, wiping his hand on his white hospital robe.

"He's doing fine," Apollo replied, a smile on his face. "Nothing I can't fix."

Before he went away though, he turned his head and looked at me. My grey eyes met his bright sky blue one. "He asked to see you," Apollo said before he disappeared down the hallway.

I sighed before gathering my courage and walked through the door.

There laid Poseidon, on his back, staring at the ceiling. I nervously approach the bed. It was an accident. I never meant to hurt him, I just don't know what got over me.

"What are you doing?" I snarled at Poseidon as he sat in my library. He shrugged casually as if we are close friends. I snort at that thought.

"Nothing," Poseidon replied before looking around the library in awed. "Nice place you have here."

Without meaning to, the words "Thanks you." escaped my mouth. Poseidon smirked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and looked anywhere but at him, trying to hide the blush on my face.

"You're very welcome," Poseidon answered me. I scowled but didn't say anything.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "I thought you don't like reading."

"I like reading," Poseidon started explaining slowly. I rolled my eyes. As if. "I just don't read much."

"Now can you kindly leave though? I have a book I'm working on," I said before seated myself in my usual chair, taking out my computer and started typing.

"Can I watch you?" Poseidon asked.

"Fine," I grumbled before he seated himself next to me. A little too close for my liking so I moved away from him.

"So, what are you writing?" Poseidon asked. I didn't say anything, only continued typing.

"Can you be quiet?" I asked, annoyed. He groaned but became silent. A minute later though, he started tapping his foot on the ground.

"Can you be quiet?" I asked again. He rolled his eyes causing me to glare at him before resuming typing. Then, to my annoyance, he started tapping his fingers on the table.

"Be quiet," I snapped before without thinking, dragged him out of the library and threw him out. Yeah, a little hard on my part but I was annoyed.

That's when I found out he is still recovering from an injury I never knew he had. He sighed again and didn't move, losing focus and his eyes closing. I have no choice but to call Apollo.

"Hey," I started, pulling a wooden chair next to the bed and sat on it. Poseidon looked up at me with his dull sea-green eyes, showing no emotion. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," he mumbled before turning his back on me. I sighed again.

"Apollo said you want to talk to me," I told him. He groaned before cursing under his breath even though I heard perfectly fine.

"Curse me and my big mouth," he mumbled, making me giggle, which is something I had never done before. Poseidon stared at me with a shock face. I cough to hide it.

"So what do you want to tell me?" I asked awkwardly. He took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"I never told anyone this but I want to tell you," he started, looking at my face for any emotion before he continued slowly, as if talking to a three years old. "I divorce Amphitrite."

I'm pretty sure I sat there, staring into space for a few minutes before coming to my senses. Many questions ran through my brain but the clearest was why? Why would he divorce her? I voiced out my question.

"Why?" I asked quietly, kind of afraid of the answer. For once, not wanting to know. From all the time we argue, I'll tell the truth, we learn many things about each other. Something I learned is that he doesn't really love Amphitrite, that he loves someone else that doesn't love him back. I always wanted him to tell me, but he won't budge.

"Because," Poseidon started but stopped, as if trying to word out the answer correctly. "I love someone else."

"The person you have a crush on since forever?" I blurt out without thinking before covering my mouth, thinking that it would be rude.

"Yeah," Poseidon answered quietly and I asked the question I've been dying to know.


There was a long silence before a word sliced through it, making my heart beat faster and my cheek to heat up. "You."

He left the word hanging there, waiting for me to grab it. I stood there, shocked beyond belief. I'll tell the truth here, I have a tiny crush on him before, I still do, just never act on it. When I looked at him again, he turned his back on me.

I gently touched his shoulder, turning him around. Without warning, I crushed my lips onto his. Poseidon made a yelp of surprise but kissed me back.

We were in the middle of a heated make-up session when Apollo walked in. "So, I'll say Uncle P can go in-"

He saw the position we were in and gave an awkward cough. "I could come back if you two are busy."

"No," Poseidon answered, his face as red as mine. He gave me a sideway smile. "It's fine."

Apollo coughed again before talking. "So, Uncle P, you are free to go in three days." He quickly went out of the room and closed the door tightly behind him.

"So what does that make us?" Poseidon asked with a smirk. I hitted him playfully.

"I think after that make-up session, we could be considered girlfriends and boyfriend," I answered honestly with a blush before he nodded and smiled, kissing me lighty again.

I smiled into the kiss, feeling the happiest I've felt in a long time.

PJO/HOO Ships: One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now