Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Spongeybobby! Random Fandom Dedications that I have been slacking on! x( 

well anyways thanks for your nice comments and thanks for your supports!

Lots of love

Kayla xo

Chapter 1~~

Genevieve's POV~~~

As I hear footsteps approaching, I gulp,

"Liam, save me..." I whisper, scared and feeling helpless.  The bag over my head makes it hard to breathe, and the cuffs on my hands and feet are digging into my skin, I want to cry out,  but I don't want to be 'awake'.

I hear a tinkling, a gruff noice, a click and then I hear the door begin to open, I quickly close my eyes and go limp, pretending to still be unconcious.

A dark chuckle fills the room and feel goose bumps forming, "Well, what a precious thing we got here," A deep, scratchy voice says, "I wonder how much they will--"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!?!" an angry feminine voice yells.

"I-I-I am sorry... M-mmistress," the scratchy voice anwers.

"You are going to scare the poor girl! I will not allow that to happen, she is...." the female voice pauses, "very important to me... and the rest of us."

"Yes mistress," The man answered, I then heard scuffling fading away.

"Hello, Genevieve," The female replied, "I am practically the only female in this place."

I feel a hand on my arm, in a reasuring gesture, but it didn't help my nerves.

"My name is Anastasia, but most people just call me Ana. I am--"

"Ana! Where are you?" A different male voice calls.

"I am in here darling!" Ana called.

"Ana! Where have you been? I have been looking all over this d*mn place for you!" The angry male voice said, "We have important things to attend to! I can't have you off doing silly things like talking to the hostage!"

"I am sorry, darling, but the poor girl is frightened..."

"I don't care! Now we need to go."

"Okay, okay, I am coming no need to drag me!" She said, seeming a little frustrated, "Goodbye darling!" And with that the door to my cell banged closed.

As I noticed that my eyes had been squeezed shut I slowly opened them....

Idiot! I thought to myself, I could have seen who my kidnappers were!

But what good would that have done, darling? a voice argues in my head.

Well... It could have.... I immediately stop, I am all ready talking to myself! I am already going insane!!

"Darling!" I shouted... That sounds familiar! I almost thought it was my mom talking when she said that! I guess I am already homesick of the place I have only called my home for a few weeks.

With nothing to do in my dark, clastauphobic cell I drifted into an uncomfortable sleep.

Liam's POV~~~

I find myself marching/running to the head's office. I just left the meeting after seeing the video, the meeting hadnt ended but I didn't care. I got to the door and knocked loudly.

"Come in," the head calls through the door. I open the door quickly, making it bang against the wall. "What the..." the head looks up, "oh, it's you."

"What do you mean 'oh, it's you?" I shoot.

"Well, I figured that you would be the one to barg into my office, demanding answers, ready to do something irrational."

"Something needs to be done though! She is the princess! We can't just sit around and wait!"

"Liam. There is nothing we can do, we have no idea where or how she is being held. All we know is who is holding her hostage and how much money they want. At this time all we can do is start collecting the money."

As Aiden finished his statement I could see that he had changed. He was no longer the strong, brave, smart leader he used to be. He was old, tired, and weak.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, I will go back to my duties." I say, bow my head slightly then turn and leave. I don't think he caught the double meaning to what I said, but he will soon enough.

I look all over the caslte, until finally I find him.

"Prince Xavior" I say, bringing his attention away from his pacing, "may I have a word with you?"

(**FYI in case some of you forgot luca, gene's ex best friend is actually prince Xavier. So his name isn't actually luca)

"Sure," he says, sounding exhausted.


After talking to the prince, I headed to the dungons.


I was gonna go further..... but I didn't really know what to write! Starting books is hard! So I'll leave the next part to Kayla(:

Sorry it took me so long, but my grades are... bad, like: C+, D+,F, F, B+, A, B+, A, and probably going to go down more because I wasn't at school today):

But I wrote! :D

Anyways, please vote vote vote! As well as comment and fan and stuff,

Love you all so much!


xxo <3

^^that was written quite a while ago.... But you guys should be glad to hear that I did get my grades up! But now my grades are bad again.... Ugh. 

Anyways, I am sooooo sorry for the long wait! Winter soccer started so that took up a lot of my time and then I just got behind on homework, but it is being uploaded now! Hope a few of you readers are still faithful and will continue on with this book series!(: 

I love you all so much!! 



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