Chapter 6: Meaty Sausage

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Briefings were boring.  Trump hated them and would rather they didn't happen at all. Why did he even need them? He was a genius! He knew everything already. Trump would rather spend his time trying to seduce the beautiful Putin than being forced into a crowed room while boring people talked about boring topics like 'the economic state of the country' and 'the delicate balance of world power' whatever that meant.

The president leaned back in his comfy chair that had a view of the entire room from the head of the table and pouted. He picked off bits of lint from his fancy suit and instead of listening to what the anyone was saying he stared down at his phone and scrolled through a nondescript social media app. He wanted this torturous hour to end already.

Scenes from the library flashed through Trump's mind.  Putin's revelation, his watery eyes and their intimate closeness. His body was heating up just thinking about it but he forced those naughty thoughts down. But an uncertainty wiggled into his brain accompanied with a feeling he had never had before. Trump had a question.

The president Trump straightened his back and made a gravelly sound deep in his throat that drew the attention of everybody at the table.

"Yes Mr. President is there something you would like to add?" The man who was up from his chair and speaking asked him.  His name was Mark Lewis and he was dressed in a navy blue suit with a striped black and grey tie. Mark was actually planning to wear a vibrant flamingo tie to work today to add some more spice to his day but decided against it.

Trump inhaled, pursed his lips and spoke, "No, I have something to ask..."

There was a thick pause as everyone expected Trump to follow up his sentence but he never did.

Mark gestured for the president to continue. "By all means ask."

"Is North Korea up to anything?"

Mark Lewis sputtered. He hadn't been expecting that as a question. "T-that is not the topic of today. Besides I'm not in international intelligence so  I wouldn't know...." Mark fiddled with his fingers clearly nervous under the president's scrutinous gaze. The man was a dominating figure in the room Mark just couldn't help but feel the pressure of his stare.

Trump scowled down at Mark, unhappy with his answer. His response didn't answer his question. "Well if you don't know anything then what are you doing here?! You should be fired! Who let you in here?!"

Mark let out a wheeze and crippled as if he had kicked in the gut. His glorious leader had shunned him, had called him unworthy. "S-sorry." He mumbled feebly and crawled away to the corner of the room where he hugged his knees to his chest and rocked back and forth. He was trying to heal himself from the astronomically huge emotional blow he was just dealt. Silent tears slipped from his eyes.

Trump waved his hands wildly in the air. "WHO ACTUALLY HAS INFORMATION?!"

A lanky man with wire framed glasses and dull eyes bordered with dark bags from sleepless nights meekly stood up. He too was intimidated by the president's aura. 

"Umm... Well.. North Korea hasn't been active recently."

That didn't mean anything to Trump and the confusion must of shown on his face because the man quickly spoke up before he could face Trump's wrath. 

"Our intelligence hasn't reported back anything suspicious. But they could just be lying low." He shrugged, mind mulling over a new possibility that he didn't voice. It was highly unlikely anyway.

Trump slouched back into his chair  and chewed on the inside of his cheek.  No one knew about what had really happened to Putin. Well, expect the people in charge of the experiment. And wouldn't they want to make sure keep it that way. Unease stirred in Trump's gut.

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