Chapter 5: What Goes Down in the Library

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Melania paused just before she got to the glorious doors of the White House. The trek from what she now referred to as the 'Lizard Hedge' to where she currently stood had given her time to reflect on what she was going to do. She was going to sell out her husband to the Illuminati because she was angry he had stopped loving her. Had she even thought about the repercussions?!  Her anger dissipated and was replaced with sadness as she thought about losing her children. Their smiling faces and happy laughter tumbled into the forefront of her mind and guilt followed soon after. She couldn't leave, would never dream of leaving them just so she could be welcomed in by some cultist group of reptilian humanoids.

The longer Melania stood in front of the White House doors the more uncertainty seeped into her veins. The cool surface of the card pressed against the flesh of her breast. It was a constant reminder of the ubiquitous presence of the Illuminati.  Instead of more anger, Melania only felt desperate and trapped at her situation. 

Despite these negative emotions threatening to drown her, Melania put on a smile and entered the building where she came face to face with the man who was stealing her husband away from her.... Putin.


After leaving the dining room Vladimir Putin had headed to the library where he spent the time wandering around the quaint room. He had come here to avoid Trump. He couldn't handle the unusual sensations he made him feel, so he retreated to this rarely used room. The library contained a variety of books, but as he scanned the shelves he couldn't spot any that would help a situation like his.

He sighed when he got to the end of the final shelf and still didn't find anything interesting to read. Putin was about to leave- he was already heading for the door- when Donald Trump walked in with a slightly dazed look on his face.

Trump was still thinking about their conversation they had that morning.

Putin's ears pointed up towards Trump, his pupils dilated, heat roared in his gut as his masculine scent drifted towards him.  Vladimir Putin had been desperately trying to ignore these desires, even now he was trying to cool the burning fire in his belly and calm his erratically beating heart, but it was getting difficult. 

Trump looked him up and down with those blue-green eyes filled with barely concealed passion and Putin shivered as the president mentally undressed him. Tingles ran across his skin and his blood simmered with heat from they way Trump was staring at him. 

Putin was the first to break eye contact. He couldn't take it, he had to escape. But as he turned to leave via a different doorway, Trump grabbed his arm. The thought of Putin leaving hurt Trump's simple mind.

"Wait... Don't leave... We can talk... Or something... " 

Putin looked back up into Donald Trump's eyes and he couldn't seem to refuse his desperate request.

They took a seat besides each other on a sturdy couch in the corner of the room where no one would glance twice. Trump's thigh was pressed against Putin's and Trump had to fight off the blush that was threatening to spread across his face from such close contact.

They both didn't say anything for a while until Trump cleared his throat, "Can you- auh- expand on what you said during breakfast?"

Putin, uncomfortable with sharing that information, bit down on his lip. The motion drew Donald Trump's attention and his eyes lingered on the spot.

Putin picked a spot in the room other than Trump to stare at before speaking, "I was kidnapped while dealing with an international affair in Armenia." his voice  thundered like a waterfall, powerful and strong. "And they replaced me with a doppelganger. Someone who looked like me, meanwhile I was knocked out. When I awoke I was naked and strapped down to a metal table covered in dried blood." His voice started to grow more frantic and Trump placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 

"There were deformed bodies of people or animals- I don't know what they were anymore- hanging from chains on the walls..." He stopped talking as a shiver of horror crawled up his spine and the fur on his tail spiked up.

"Do you know who kidnapped you?" Donald Trump felt angry that someone would even try to lay a finger on Putin.

Putin's blue-grey ears flattened against his head as he recalled the memories of the dank prison like chambers that he was kept, dehydrated and starving for days on end. The unsanitary conditions. The suffocating darkness that echoed with strange noises. The pain of medical tools scraping against bone, scalpels and blades ripping into skin to peer inside without an anesthetic. As more and more memories drudged up from his mind Putin felt like vomiting, but in the haze of it all a pudgy face with small dark eyes and box-like hair that was shaved on the sides drifted into his mind quieter than all the other memories but left just as much terror.

"I-It-I" Putin stumbled over the words. A cold sweat broke out over his body and a sheen of tears glossed over his slate blue eyes. Trump turned Putin's head towards him and used his thumb to wipe away the tears that already started to drip from his eyes. He was so close now. Every time Trump exhaled his musty breath would fan across Putin's cupid-bow lips. The president's heart was beating wildly in his chest and he wanted so badly to kiss him but he couldn't while the man was crying.

After a minute, Putin managed to collect himself into a semblance of the strong statue that he was and said a name. "Kim Jong-un."

"Kim Jong-un?" Donald Trump questioned. He knew that name of course but why would he kidnap some one of such high status as Vladimir Putin? And why use him for experiments and not interrogation for information?

"Why would he kidnap you?" Trump asked.

Putin frowned in concentration, trying to think but all that played through his mind was blood, gore and pain. Putin's facade of a calmness cracked and more tears spilled faster from his eyes.

Trump didn't know what to do. He wasn't the comforting type. He awkwardly wrapped an arm around Putin and pulled him into an embrace.

Putin calmed down as he was engulfed in the tantalizing musk of Donald Trump. Putin cried out the rest of his memories while Trump rubbed his back in soothing circles.

They sat holding each other until an alarm rang in the air. It was just Donald Trump's phone.

Startled, they untangled themselves and Trump rooted through his pocket's before dragging out his phone. "Oh.... I-uh... I've got to go..." He held up the phone alarm that was buzzing brightly and on the screen were the words 'BRIEFING'.

Putin just nodded with red eyes as he watched the president get up and leave. His eyes trailed him as he left. 

Putin looked around the room from where he sat and sat his translucent reflection in the window and decided to freshen up in the bathroom.


After crying it all out, Putin  felt rejuvenated and brazen, like he could face the world now that someone else knew about his predicament.  He was starting to feel stuffed up here anyways.

As he approached the front doors they flung open and the First Lady stepped in with a determined look on her face. Her gaze landed on him and her expression faltered. Putin however put on a polite smile and was prepared to greet her cautiously as he remembered how she gazed at him with hatred during breakfast.

Melania simply nodded to Putin before brushing past him. She wanted him gone. Perhaps she could convince her husband to get rid  of the cat-man before she went to the secretive Illuminati for help. But she knew the idea was futile even as she  thought of it.

I think this is the most I've ever written. The last few paragraphs were written in a daze I was getting tired.

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