Ch. 50-House Party

Start from the beginning

Tonight was going to be amazing, I was with my mama, my family, my loves and everything just felt right.

I open the bathroom door to see my cousin, she's in a short orange dress with her hair straightened.

"Damn Ky your gonna have those boys scoring hard one all night." I giggle and pull her along as we head out of my room.

I can hear the music and as we head outside I see Tae and Jungkook dancing with my mama.

Her grin was so big, it's been a while since I've seen her smile like that and it made my heartache.

"She looks really happy," Namjoon says as he comes to stand by my side.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen her smile like that." I feel a tear fall and I quickly wipe it away not wanting to ruin the moor.

"You look ravishing my gongjunim." His hand rests on my side as he kisses my forehead.

"Why thank you." I pull out the end of the dress and set it to slip from my fingers.

He holds out his hand and I give him a shy smile as I place mine in his as he walks out into the yard.

"Now I can't promise I'm a good dancer, but for you, I'll try." I smile at his comment as we dance, at some point, he had given up on being accurate and decided to pull me around and twirl me like crazy.

At one moment he had spun me right into Jin's arms, we swayed back and forth, eventually, I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart.

I was so wrapped up at the moment  I hadn't heard any sort of commotion until Jin's arms tightened around me.

"Daniel is that you? Wow, when did you get so big?" I snap my head up look in every direction, thinking I could have possibly heard wrong. But my worst fears were confirmed when I saw him standing in the fresh, Daniel Torres.

He looked older and the years didn't seem to be nice to him, he was bigger than the last time I say him, weight-wise not height-wise. He pulled his head up and our eyes meet, at first, shock fills his eyes but then it was like a wall was pulled over his emotions and his face became blank.

Anger filled me and I felt my hand tightening on Jin.

"Woah love what's wrong love...?" His voice trails off as my mom comes out of the house.

"Oh hell no! Get the hell out of my house." I pull away from Jin as my mom sets down the bowl and heads straight for Daniel.

And as I reach out my hand to stop her, out walks the girl that he had cheated on me with walks from behind the crowd placing her hand in his.

"Ms. G comes on, me and Kya were together when we were kids but we're over it now, right K?" He looks behind her at me for reassurance only for me to release my grip on my mother.

"My name is Eva Nunez Gomez you son of a bitch, and when I tell you to get the hell out of my house I suggest you heed the warning." She was now standing in front of him as she pocked him once in the chest.

"Damn why's this little old lady got her panties in a twist, Danny?" The girl standing next to him smacking her gum in her mouth. I could tell she was going to push my mama's shoulder and I pulled her back, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the kneeling.

"If you ever think of putting one of your cheap ass nails on my mother again, I will break it so hard your ancestors will feel it." She whines and tries to move my hand, but nods her head quickly in agreement.

Namjoon POV: 

I'll admit her come back had me rock hard but now wasn't the time for it.

She stood up and looked at the guy.

I always knew, no matter what she said that someone in her past had affected her in a major way. I was now started to things there were two.

"And you, what made you think the right thing to do was to come up in my momma's house?" Her tone was different but  I could hear the anger in her voice.

"Man why can't yall just chill and let the past be the past, people are moving on with their lives Kya." At his words, she laughs and I could feel a cold chill run down my spine, as her eyes fall on him he helped his girlfriend up and brought his hand to her stomach, lightly cradling it.

"Oh shit!"

Her laugh slowly dies out and an anger smirk took its place.

"Did you seriously think I put my life on hold for your pathetic ass. You might want to be wary of having a baby around this one, she might snatch it's life away before you even realize what happened." I could see the sorrow fill her eyes and my heart clenched for her. I knew exactly what that look meant.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Daniel said giving Kya an angry look.

She turned her head towards Daniel's girlfriend and I could see her nervously biting her fake nails.

"Do you want to tell him or should I?" 

"Tell me what!" I didn't like the way we kept raising his tone and neither did Yoongi, I could see his hands clenching as we bother took a step forward at his words.

"That a little bird popped by my house looking for a certain scum bag, to realized she showed up at my house and put her hands on me and take the life of our unborn child."

The room fell silent and for a minute no one says anything. But I could see the sorrow that filled Daniel's eyes and he tried to reach out for her and she quickly pulled her arm out of his reach.

"And you had the nerve to not only walk back into my mama's house but to also bring your raggedy Anne doll, makes you the lowest of low.  I don't want your pity, I got over the loss, the hurt. I just didn't think it would be right of me not to enlighten you on the kind of person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. I however got lucky enough to have seven reasons to move on with my life and live it to the fullest of my abilities. Now get the hell out of my mama's house and don't you dare come back." Yoongi and I come up standing beside her and Daniel look us both up and down before scoffing and turning around, walking out.

When he left I could see the strength inside her disappearing as she started to shake and she fell into my arms.




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