"The zoo?" Seb repeats and I hum in response, "That sounds cool, I've never been before." 

"What!?" I exclaim so loud that my voice bounces off the walls of the foyer, "What kind of childhood did you have?" 

"I'm coming over now, Kara. Buzz me when I get there." Sebastian says with a small chuckle, cleverly avoiding my question. 

I narrow my eyes slightly at nothing, "Okay." 

He hangs up and I slip my phone back into my pocket before stepping inside the open elevator doors. I ride it up to the fifth level, walk down the hall and into my apartment. I throw the envelopes onto kitchen island block as I start boiling the electric kettle. 

As I'm pouring the hot water into my mug with the green-tea teabag inside, I hear a slight knock on the door before its open. 

"Hayyyo!" I hear the adorable lisp of my six year-old neighbour echo through the house and I glance over my shoulder. He drops to his knees on the ground as Scout trots up to him while his mother has trouble entering behind him. "Scout!"  

"Hey Kara." Tahlia, my neighbor, smiles at me as she skirts around her son who was busy playing with Scout in front of the door. She walks over to me as I lift my mug up to my lips and take a sip of the hot tea, "Thanks again for this. I'm glad that I can always count of you whenever my sitter cancels last second." 

"Of course you can." I smile softly and place the mug back down on the countertop of the island block, "I like hanging out with JJ and he's super easy to handle. He's a great little boy." 

"I know..." She mumbles off with a small smile and glances over her shoulder at her son. She then lifts up the Ben-10 backpack in her hand and places it on one of the wooden stools, "Everything should be in there. Snacks, water bottle , EpiPen and his money for the zoo."

"I don't mind paying for him, Tahlia. It was my idea anyway." I explain as I glance out the corner of my eye to see JJ rolling over the wooden floorboards in a desperate attempt to get Scout to roll over to. 

Even though I had taught her when she was about three, she just stands there with her head tilted to the side. Evil little lady. 

"I should also let you know that I have a friend coming over. He's a good guy so you don't have to worry." I smile as I explain to her. She huffs and runs a hand through her turquoise hair and I noticed she was dressed her uniform for the fancy restaurant she worked at. 

"As long as he doesn't eat shellfish around him, I don't mind." She smiles as she turns around and walks over to her son, "I'm going now, JJ. Kisses for mumma." 

JJ quickly gets up off the ground as his mouth crouches down. The adorable little fair-headed boy hurries over to her and wraps his tiny arms around her neck. Tahlia attacks his red cheeks with a million kisses. 

Shiittt, getting major baby fever right now. 

After she says her goodbyes to her son, she stands up and glances back over at me, "I should get off my shift at about six or seven." 

"Okay, we should be back by then." I explain as Tahlia rubs the top of her son's head and quietly leaves the apartment. I stare down at the small boy who was staring at the door with wide blue eyes. 

"Hey JJ, are you excited for the zoo?" I ask as I lean my elbows on the island and JJ spins on his heels with the largest smile on his face. 

"Uh-huh! Mommy said that I can—I can have just one hot dog but—but not if  I get it on my cyothes." JJ explains with an adorable, excited expression as I laugh and head over to the living for to turn the television on for him. 

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