Chapter 9

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After the encounter with dean , Liam's been busy he even placed two guards to be with me , it's not that am complaing or anything but the guards that's a bit too much for me , I am a warrior but Everytime I tell him he says that that'll hell do anything for my safety ,

That was the first time we had a disagreement and It was pretty bad , we didn't talk for 2 weeks and my wolf was getting anxious but I wasnt going to apologise first , eventually we both talked at the bed and we are good .
Now am a the fields with the pups and beth playing with the pups
"Luna will you braid my hair ?" A little girl asks
"Of course doll "I say smiling
I braid her hair and she randomly o to play with the rest
"You are a natural with the kids " beth says
I smile at her, beth is with child and at any time she'll pop.
Werewolf pregnancy takes 5 months unlike human pregnancy
"So how's you and liam are gud now?"
Beth and I have gotten really close so I shared with her the argument I had with liam and she helped me
"Yeah we made out last night "
Wait what did I just say
"I mean were good now "I Say smiling
"Oh then you made out " she says smiling
I blush and look at the kids
"So have you thought about having pups ?"she asks
My eyes widen at her question , having pups is something that's has never crossed my mind
"Oh um well that's never crossed my mind "I say truthfully
She smiles at me " its OK my pregnancy wasn't planned it just happened "
"Can I ask you a question ? "She asks
"Have you and liam talked about the um mating process"
I smile at her and blush liam has so busy that we haven't talked completing the process this dean problem has him worked up
"No he's been busy the rogue situation and I didn't feel like it was the right time to bring it up "
"i understand the right time will come and let me tell you.........ahh"
I look and she holding her stomach
"Hey you ok. "Of course she not
"Yeah its just a ......ahh "
"_I think my water broke "_
Holy jeez
'Liam theres a problem beths is labour '
' where are you ' he asks
'At the fields I'm going to take beth to the infirmary " I shut the mind link
I grab her hand and try to help her up
"Hey its ok I talked to Liam he's on his way with jase ok"
I say hoping hearing her mates name will relax her and it works
We take baby steps until we reach the infirmary a nurse sees us and rans up to us and the take her to the ward
Minutes later Jase runs up to me
"Where is she "he asks worryingly
"Ahhhh " beth shouts and he sprints to the room
"Hey love"Liam comes and I hug him tight
"Hi" I manage to say from the hug
"Why don't we wait in the cafeteria until the delivery is over ?"
"Yeah ok"
When we reach the cafeteria , we order our drinks and he asks how my day has been , I tell him all about it , I remember what beth said about the mating process and I debate whether I should ask
Ever since dean showed up , he's been sending his rougues to attack the pack grounds and Liam been busy dealing with it we don't a lot of time together,
'Please ask mate I want him 'my wolf whines
Ok its now or never I chant
"Liam I've been meaning to ask you something" I start
"Yeah what is it love ",
"I know you are busy with the pack and I understand that since your the alpha and am so happy and proud that the moon goddess paired as up but i..."words don't come out
"Hey love what's bugging you "he places his hand on mine and rubs my skin with his thumb and that immediately helps relax
"I was wounderong when are we going to complete the mating process"I ask in a small voice I know he heard me because if our wolf heightened hearing senses .
I look at him and he has a smirk on his face
He places his hand on my cheek and I get lost in his beautiful blue eyes
"Well complete the process when you ready ok I'll wait for even if it take s a century I'll wait until you ready "
I can't help but smile at his words , and I place my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately and slow and he immediately responds
We break up breathing heavily and he places he forehead on mine
"I love so fucking much "he says
I smile "I love you too "
A nurse interrupts our moment
She bows"alpha , luna the betas pup has been delivered "I thank her
And we walk to the room berg is in , when I open the door , beth is holding a pup wrapped up in a blue blanket
I smile at her , "Alpha , Luna I would like you to meet Adam Mikaleson the second "

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