Chapter 2

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After changing into a sports bar and some tights I went to training ground and found Jake already training
"Hey why didn't you wait for me ?" I asked
"Cause you were taking you precious time trying to find am outfit to show your mate "he say smirking
Arghhh !
knowing Jake he won't stop teasing me about the mate thing ,
"Will you please drop the mate stuff and let's just train so I bet your ass and wipe off that smirk on your face
We train for a bit and I made sure to get my revenge for his teasing , when we were busy arguing on who won the run match we heard my dad calls me
"Hey munchkins will you please escort alpha Liam and his beta to the guest pack house "
oh boy !
"Sure dad " I tell him trying not to look at Liam and hypotonicing eyes
I show the pack house and when I head back he reaches out for my hand and I feel the tingles but this time it's intense
I turn to look at him and I get lost again in his eyes

"annable such a lovely name "

"Yes but you can just call me Anna alpha Liam "I respond and thank Good I didn't stammer

"I'd love to get to know you better Anna and please your my mate call me Liam. "he says smiling and I can't help but smile back

"I'd love that ...and also to know you ."
Oh men I don't know but it's sure is hot in this room
"How about you show me around when I also get to know you?"he asks
"Sure .... Do you want a tour right now?"I ask
"Yes if your are not busy that is ?"
"Am not "I answer excited
He chuckles and I loss it I need fresh air cause it's definitely hot in here
We hed outside and show him around and I learn alot about him , he has two brothers who are younger than him and a sister , his father passed but his mother is still alive and I can't help it notice how his eyes light up when he talks about his family .
"So I told all about me now it's your turn "he says
"Sure so am an only child I live with my dad who raised me , my mum passed away ,cause is attacked by rouge's my best friend is Jake I love reading novels and listening to music "

after am done I look at him and find him already staring at me , we look at each other and I didn't even notice when he started leaning in and with our lips inches away
"you don't know how I've searched for you mate , the moment u saw you I just wanted to take you to a private area kiss this plump lips that you have "
he says in a low sexy voice that completely made me wet already , when I tried to close the gap Jake found it right time to buzz in

Got timming Jake I say sarcastically in my mind .

I take a step back and what Jake says speeds up my heart
"Rouge's have been spotted around the border "he says
I already know what to do Jake has already shifted and when I want to go behind the tree to undress Liam hold my arm
"You can't go out there ,help in keeping the elderly and children safe I'll go "
No way I love fighting especially when my opponent is a rouge I hate them and my mate is clearly trying to prevent me from fighting
Before I get the chance to object he interrupts me "don't even refuse .. babe I know your a good fighter I saw you train earlier an with no doubt I know you are good in kicking asses but please just stay here*"
He kisses my forehead and shift s to a large black wolf and runs off .
I see Luna Jezebel and help her in taking the children to the safe room , once I make sure the doors are locked I go and try to comfort the children
"I just saw that fine alpha Liam with you earlier I s he you mate "Luna Jezebel asks and I don't give her a surprise d look cause I know Jake and his big mouth
"Yes and I know you know "
She true showing a shock face but am not buying it "I do not .... Ok Jake might have told me and I can't believe my small girl is all grown up "she says
Luna Jezebel has always been like a mom to me and I actually consider her my second mother
"Am happy I found my mate but am scared cause I'll have to leave home "
I tell her truthfully . Dark blood pack is my home I was raised here and it'll be sad leaving a place your so used to
"I know honey but I also know you'll be a fantastic Luna to his pack ,ok now stop with the tears your making me emotional"we hug and I already feel better
"Hey what happened why you crying ?"mari asks
Mari is Jake mate , she my age and has brunette Hair which am always jealous of and a charming personality I absolutely love her she's my second bestfriend
"I found my mate "I tell her smiling
Her mouth is left hanging that a pretty sure a fly already found a new home
"Shut up... Oh my God am so happy
Who is it don't tell me I already know who it is " she says happily
Of course Jake and he's big mouth
"So did you guys kiss already "

And this is my life , completely forgetting the rouge attack and not worrying about cause I already know the moongoddes is always with us but I can't help worry about Liam eventhough he an alpha

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