Chapter 12

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Julie Parsons was tapping her foot. Quite loudly actually, which seemed only to add to her nerves.

"Come on, (Y/N)." She mumbled under her breath. With eyes darting between Headmistress Amelia and  the etherium above, she silently prayed for her friend to arrive.

There was only seven minutes and thirty eight seconds left (Amelia's watch was accurate to the very second) for both Jim and Broden's pairs to arrive; any later and they fail the test. Fail the year. Those pregnant seven-and-a-half minutes had a lot riding on them, and Julie would hate to see her friend monumentally held back for tardiness.

By now, quite a crowd had accumulated to wait for the last two ships: all of the senior squad, Headmistress Amelia and Sergeant Fernsby, and the junior squad freshly arrived at Port Ivy. All waiting for the straggling cadets.

Amelia had been squinting unrelentingly into the etherium since that morning. Her cadets may have disobeyed her direct orders, but she'd be damned if she wasn't going to be the one to receive them when they finally arrived. Jim and (Y/N) were her most promising cadets, after all.

She checked her pocket watch again.


Amelia pressed her lips thin.

But, with less than five minutes left on the clock, a speck appeared in the distance. Without missing a beat, the headmistress extended a spyglass and held it up to her eye. Her lips quirked into the slightest smile.

A wave of whispers rippled through the crowd as the ships came into closer view. One looked scorched by fire, the other crumbling with age.

By the time they were landing on the port, there was 8 seconds left.

Two figures jumped down from the ship. (Y/N) and Nelson. In their hands, two blue flags. They both jogged through the mass of cadets, who parted for them like the red sea, and with 2 seconds on the clock placed their flags in each hand of Headmistress Amelia.

"Congratulations, cadets." She couldn't hold back her smile at the panting cadets in front of her. "You have all passed the test."

It seemed that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and for a moment, (Y/N) was left to bask in the silence of victory.

Gasps erupted from the crowd of cadets and (Y/N) turned around to see Jim and Broden walking towards them. Broden sported a large scowl, but it was more likely the bloodstained shred of blazer wrapped around Jim's waist caused the crowd's response.

(Y/N) met Jim's eyes with a large, unabashed smile. Jim received her wordless message of victory and returned it with his own wide grin, though slightly pained due to the throbbing in his side. When he arrived at her side, a quiet hand placed itself on the small of her back. She glanced at him but otherwise didn't acknowledge anything amiss, instead silently appreciating the comfort.

"Congrats, cadets. I didn't think ye'd make it." Sergeant Fernsby said, characteristically coarse, and shook each of the four's hand.

"Blunt as always, Sergeant." Jim chuckled, but was rewarded with no reprimand save for a glare and a particularly aggressive handshake. To (Y/N)'s private delight, Jim's hand on her didn't shift.

"Hawkins, what in the devil happened to you?!" Headmistress Amelia exclaimed, momentarily forgetting his formal title. Jim sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and side-eyed Wilkes.

"That's a long story. But first, I need a shower."


They had made it. Despite all setbacks, feuds, and insubordination, they had finally made it.

When the excitement of arriving just in time wore off, all four cadets were given an hour to refresh before debriefing in the headmistress' office. Jim, accompanied by (Y/N), went straight to the infirmary to address his wound properly. On the journey back, (Y/N) had tended to his impalement and removed the large nail, but there had been only so much she could do with the limited medical supplies available. The story about their journey was told in full to the headmistress, resulting in punishments to both parties -- some larger than others. But for now, the hard work was over.

It had been a very long four years for everyone, particularly for Jim and (Y/N) who had spent most of those four years at each other's throats. But today was the day they all graduated from cadets to corporals.

"I'd like to welcome you all to today's ceremony, marking the beginning of these hardworking cadets' progress through the naval ranks. The war against Procyon has increased our need for able officers--" The headmistress continued her obligatory introduction, talking about the various events happening for the naval forces at that time.

There were approximately sixty cadets graduating the academy, all dressed in ceremonial cream and gold garbs, waiting (im)patiently in the front rows of the grand hall. All of the parents and caregivers had turned up, including (Y/N)'s father and stepmother, and Mrs Hawkins and B.E.N. Coincidentally in adjacent seats.

The time eventually came for the graduates to receive their certificates, which was swiftly carried out, and then Amelia addressed the gathering again.

"There are a few extra honours to bestow upon some exceptional cadets. These two cadets are by no means unblemished by misconduct. On many occasions, each has disobeyed my direct orders, flaunted school rules and blatantly disregarded social conventions of civility." Julie nudged the (H/C) girl next to her. (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"However, each are creative, brave, and, above all, compassionate. The extent of their compassion was displayed when they showed mercy upon individuals who sabotaged their efforts on multiple occasions. And though I do not condone their misconduct by any stretch of the imagination, I also believe that knowing when to disobey orders is necessary to become a great captain."

"And so, I invite James Pleiades Hawkins and (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) to accept these badges of valour in battle and direct promotion from cadets to lieutenants."

Both walked up to the stage and stood silently as Amelia clipped shining badges to their blazers. The applause was deafening.

"THATS MY BOY!" Sarah cried though the hubbub of clapping. B.E.N. pretended to wipe tears from his eyes. The couple next to them were also over the moon about their daughters' achievement.

"That's your son? That's my daughter!" (Y/N)'s stepmother said, incredulous, and immensely proud of her step-daughter.

Up on the stage, Jim and (Y/N) turned to the audience and bowed, but not before shooting each other a warm look.

Yes, they had made it.

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