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Now that that's out of the way, here is some information you may want to read before beginning this story.

1. I have tried to make this as canonically accurate as possible.

Throughout the process of writing I have very often checked the fandom website relating to Treasure Planet (and all related media such as Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon). This includes things from the planets and places, to the political climate, and the timeline.

However, there are likely a few canonical flaws in my writing. Please point it out constructively.

2. I have used creative license.

There are A LOT of things in here such as characters and species who are not mentioned in the T.P. franchise. These are things I've created.

3. I have tried to keep Jim (and other characters) as accurate as possible.

But. Jim may be a little different from the movie because I accounted for the personal growth he experienced in the events of T.P. . However I am aware that some aspects of his character in particular are slightly OOC and I apologize for that. I really tried.

4. This story has a striking resemblance to the cancelled Treasure Planet 2

I kid you not I came up with this plot at 2am and the very next morning checked the fandom page and had all of my dreams of being original thrown out the window. I continued anyway.

5. There is no number 5. Just enjoy the story and feel free to vote & comment :)

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