Chapter Seven: Of course Things Could get Worse

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Lastly, I saw Roger Taylor on the way back with his large equipment covering the bottom half of him. He smiled cheekily- like to the audience while spinning his drumsticks around his fingers swiftly. When Freddie mentioned Roger's name, I bet every single woman in the building screamed.

"He is so freaking hot!" A woman with wavy blond hair, wearing a sheer top screamed right in my ear.

"Do you agree?" She asked me.

I nodded yes. Even if I wasn't that shy talking to her, it would have been difficult for her to hear me over the beginning of the first song playing.

Freddie's voice filled the air with mellifluous harmony; this moment felt so bittersweet. My emotions were pouring out of me, it's crazy how powerful music can be. The guitar flowed swimmingly like it had a voice of its own, the drums and bass were the perfect teamwork, pounding in my chest.

After the show, I went backstage to search for Roger. It took ages to pass by everyone in the crowd. The atmosphere was deafening and deranged. The women were the worst of them all; high-pitched squeals sounded annoying to my ears! I realized how many beautiful women were heading backstage. The only very little confidence and self-esteem I had were completely washed away.

Finally, I made it to the door and got accepted to go in.

"Hello darling," Freddie called out over the noise and waved at me.

I pushed myself through the fans over to Freddie.

"Where is Roger?" I demanded.

"I'm not sure, go ask Brian."

I searched for Brian May, which surprisingly didn't take as long as I expected. He was laughing with a few people.

"Brian!" I yelled.

"Hello, Briana, how did you enjoy the show?"

"It was extraordinary. Where is Roger?"

"Roger's not here?" Brian sighed, "I apologize, but I don't know where he ran off to. Good luck finding him."

I ran around in circles like a lost animal. Did Roger forget? Steam seems to come out of my ears like a cartoon. I stormed out, shoving my way through.

"Are you alright?" A calm male voice called out.

I was about to turn around to face the person and give them a death glare, but I realized that man was John Deacon.

"No." I simply said, my anger fading a bit.

"What happened?" He asked softly, "Let's go to the pub to talk about it."

Deaky and I ditched the backstage fiasco and walked to a pub, where everything is quieter. It was cold out. He noticed my shivering and pulled off his coat and put it over my shoulders. I was stunned by his actions.

He and I took a seat on the bar stools in front.

"May I order you a drink?" He offered.

"No thank you." I blushed lightly from his sweetness.

He ordered himself one.

"I like coming here sometimes, it's a nice getaway."

I smiled and nodded.

After he got his drink he stared at me with serious eyes.

"Tell me everything."

"Roger ditched me."

"What?!" He sounded stunned, almost choking on his drink. "What do you mean?"

"Roger promised me he would take me home after the show."

Flash from the Past(Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz