“If you won’t say anything, let me at least have my hand. I’ll need it to catch beads and beat Edward’s face in when I get home.” I glared at him, trying to keep my tone hushed so as to keep our scene from getting any more attention. He released my hand and I quickly pulled it to my side. “Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to enjoy my Mardi Gras.”

“The Master needs you to come back to Gotham. It’s important.” His voice was like water; it just flowed and kind of entranced you.

“There’s nothing I would ever do for him.” I sneered. “I know what he’s like.” I turned and started to leave when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I quickly flipped him over me but he landed on his feet instead of his back, completely expecting my reaction.

“He says it’d be a shame for your condition to get any worse. There’s no need for your constant weakness, headaches, your memory lapses. He can make them all go away.” His hazel eyes bore into mine as he spoke, stilling my breathing once more. There’s no way he could have known that. There’s no way in hell that Ra’s should know that. “He knows you don’t want to die yet, and he’s willing to help.”

“It’s not something he would do.” My voice soft and slow, I thought about it. “I’ll see him.”

“Do not wait. His offer is not forever lasting.” The ninja held out a card and I took it, seeing the address of one of the old fishing company warehouses in Gotham. I looked back up but he was gone.

“Just as well.” I sighed. I shoved my hands in the jacket pockets and started walking home. There was a marching band in the street now and the crowd got riled up again. Pulling out my phone, I saw missed calls from Chris so I sent him a text that I was okay before plugging in headphones and pressing play.

‘Every time the rain comes down

Close my eyes and listen

I can hear the lonesome sound

Of the sky as it cries’

I love Enya, but she really wasn’t helping my mood at all. I continued to let the music fill me as I walked into my house. Chris was on the couch and quickly looked up at me.

“Are you okay?” He rushed and I nodded, walking up the stairs. “You’re going back.” I nodded again and he let me go pack my things. Upon opening the room doors I could tell the Sirens had come and packed up all the rouge’s stuff and sent it back.

‘Listen to the rain

Here it comes again

Hear it in the rain’

I somehow filled my bags with my clothes and things; I was spacing again. Despite my nerves, I glanced at the clock to see two hours had passed and it was raining outside. The song must have stayed on loop because it was seemed to still be in the same place it was before.

‘Feel the touch of tears that fall

They won't fall forever

In the way the day will flow

All things come, all things go’

‘Listen to the rain... the rain

Here it comes again... again

Hear it in the rain... the rain’

“Goodbye Katrina.” Chris’s voice cut through the music and I turned to face him. He looked worried about me but kept a smile on his face. I gave him a huge hug and felt a tear slip from where I’d been holding it. He wiped it away, his touch shocking my senses momentarily. “You’re not coming back are you?”

“I don’t think so.” I choked. I tried not to dwell on the fact that it was true. I couldn’t come back here; they all knew where it was now thanks to me. I wasn’t going to expose my home to my crazy new life again; it just wasn’t going to happen. “I shouldn’t have brought them all here. I wasn’t thinking clearly or something. Why did I bring them here? It was a safe haven and now… now they can find me just as easily.” My tears fell and my voice shook as I spilled everything I’ve kept to myself. “I can’t face Ed yet. I don’t want to. I’m… I’m scared to do so but I know it has to happen. Ra’s wants something from me and he knows I’ve been different; he knows I’m dying.” I choked. Chris wrapped his arms tighter around me as I shook.

“It’s going to be okay Kat. You need to tell Bruce what’s going on. I know you think he won’t listen or he’ll just put you in Arkham, but he just wants you safe and healthy.” He whispered, rubbing my back. “And if you don’t trust Ra’s then don’t go see him. Sure, he knows you’re in a time of need, but that doesn’t make it right.”

“But he is right; I don’t want to die yet.” My voice broke.

“Do what youthink is right and screw everyone else.”

He picked up my bags and opened the front door, a brisk air rushing in around us. I pulled his jacket closer around me and walked outside. The ninja from earlier stood in the driveway, waiting with a silver BMW convertible Z4. He took the bags from Chris and opened the passenger door, waiting for me to get in. I took off Chris’s jacket and handed it back to him.

“I’ll be quite warm in the car.” I tried joking. He didn’t look reassured but I gave him a huge hug and hurried to the car. The door slammed and I watched as the ninja walked around, momentarily blocking my view of my house. He got in, closed the door, turned the engine on, and looked over at me.

“Master al Ghul had to know you’d make it there promptly. I’m sorry for any inconvenience.”

“Just drive before I get out.” I muttered, turning my red eyes to the window.

“You’ll be able to come back.” He spoke softly after a few minutes of silent driving. I kept quiet and watched my city fall away from me. We were headed south, towards the Gulf.  I thought we’d be headed to the airport to get to Gotham faster. After the first half hour of driving ninja guy got a call on his phone. He and whoever was on the other line spoke quickly and quietly. I could make out the words ‘here’ and ‘now’.

“There’s been a change of plans. He came here to meet you.”  He said after closing the tiny flip phone. I just nodded and tried to go to sleep.

“Saves you the trouble of knocking me out.” I muttered before blacking out.

There was fresh snow on the ground and kids were laughing. I walked over to the fence lining the school yard and couldn’t help the smile on my face.

“Don’t you miss those days?” A deep voice chuckled.

“Ya.” I sighed happily. “Everything was so much simpler.”

“Everything was simple for you m’dear.” He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

“Nuh-uh.” I snorted. “Nothing was ‘simple;’ Just simpler.”

“Whatever you say darling.” His hand left my waist and intertwined with my own, massaging the ring on my left hand.

“That’s right.” I turned around and buried my head in his chest. He was so warm, so inviting and safe. “Anything I say is right.” I smiled into his big coat. One of the kids started crying, I turned around and unlatched the gate.

“Joey pushed me off the swing!” A little girl with brown eyes and hair cried. Her face was red from the cold and she wore a fluffy white coat and matching mittens over jeans and white boots. She was very much the mirror image of a younger me; only I was wearing black today.

“It’s okay baby girl.” I smiled down at her. “Let’s go home and have some hot chocolate.”

“Alright! Daddy! Mommy said I could have hot chocolate!” She jumped up and down excitedly as I looked over to my husband.

“Wake up Katrina.” Ra’s voice ruined my dream.

“Of course.” I groaned. 

A Demon's Drink {Book Three-Kat}Where stories live. Discover now