Day 1

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    'Ding!' My phone went off in the middle of Science class. "God dammit.." I mumbled as I cautiously checked it, making sure Mrs. Axers wasn't looking. 'Hey look here whore, today is trash day. Why aren't you out on a curb? ~Shelly' I grunted and typed a response. 'And look who is talking trash! :X °Navy°' "Navy Wallers! Do you have something that is so important you have to text in my class?!" Axers snapped. Mrs. Axers is a bitch. A literal bitch. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Axers. Foolishness." I drawled. She makes us admit we were fools for interrupting her, to avoid detention at least. She always had her grey hair up in a bun and her outfits always looked like some vintage designer outfit. From the 1800's.  She went back to talking about why matter is so important for the 'Science Community'.  "That time of the month for her?" My best friend, Casey grumbled from behind me. "Oh, she is probably too old. She is pretty much made of dust." I whispered back. I pulled out my notebook and started doodling, Shelly and her fuckers getting thrown into trash bin. Yeah, okay a little over board but they never had ANYTHING nice to say to me. EVER. It was always 'Whore' or 'Bitch princess' and my all time favorite ' Dog Face'.

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