열두 (12)

198 12 8

minho pov (again heheh)

"what the hell happened to your face?!"

i winced at her sudden loud voice as she ushered me into her home, sitting me on the couch as she left to find a first-aid kit.

she sat back down and asked where i was hit.

i gestured to my face and my torso, smiling awkwardly due to the disappointed look on her face.

she started treating my face with a bit of cleaning alcohol, stinging slightly, causing me to wince.

"oh sit still, im sure you just got in a stupid fight"

"yeah for you"

i mumbled, by face heating up.

"what did you say?"

 she questioned with her head slightly tilted.

i took a moment to take in her beauty.

her hair had the slightest frizz, making her look cute and sleepy. her eye still red, breaking my heart. but in all that, she still looks beautiful. i dont know hwy anyone would ever want to hurt her.


she said as she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"a-ah sorry, i said nothing"

"no common, tell me"

she pouted, causing my chest to tighten.

"i said, yeah, for you"

"you got in a fight for me?"

she yelled, causing me to flinch again.

i explained to her what hapened and she covered her mouth in shock.

"you did that, for me"

she asked, pointing to herself in disbelief.

"well, yeah"

i mumbled once more, scratching the back of my neck.

she still looked shocked as she continued to treat my face.

"take of your shirt"

my face flushed


"yah, i need to treat the bruises and cuts down there"

i reluctantly pulled up my shirt and placed it next to me.

her face flushed as she tried to avoid eye contact with me.


she finished and smiled at her work proudly, patting my chest.

she looked up at me, to see me raising my eyebrow at her.

she quickly pulled her hands away and tucked them in her lap.

i chuckled, before putting my red stained shirt back on.

"i heard that he was kissing your girlfriend.."

she mumbled, causing me to look at her once more.

"i dont really care. i dont like her anyways. she was just using me to get to seungmin. she said if i didn't, she would tell someone my secret"

"oh my, im so sorry. "

i smiled at her and grabbed the bag of food i had dropped at the door.

"want some snacks?"

(a/n)-thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed. it was a lot of dialogue in this chapter and im sorry... :c (374 words)

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