하나 (1)

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(a/n)- there will be curse words 

park eunhae pov

ring ......



i turned to my bedside table, trying to turn off my alarm. wait, i thought, that's not my alarm. I answered the call not bothering to look at who it was.

"hello?" i asked quietly, still tired from my slumber.

"did you just wake up?!!??" a yell came from my phone, causing me to recognise the voice. lee felix, my best friend since middle school, getting me through thick and thin. 

"yeah, sorry"

"well get up ho!! its our first day back from break"

ugh. junior year.

"i am, i am."

" i heard there's a new boy... you excited?"

"when have i ever been excited for a new boy?" 

"good point"

"bye felix"

"dont be late, eunhae" and with that he ended the call.

i rolled out of my bed, changing into my uniform. for the first time that morning, i glanced at the clock.






"holy SHIT" i yelled, running down the stairs, not bothering to grab food. slipping on my shoes, i grabbed  my bag and ran out of the door, getting to school in record time.  as i arrived at the school, the late bell rang. great, i thought , slowing down as i walked to science. when i walked in the room, all eyes were on me. felix shot me a ' really' look as the teacher started talking.

"Miss park, why are you late?" mrsjung snapped, staring at me intensely.

" sorry mrs.jung, it won't happen again" i mumbled, walking to my regular seat.

"it better not. just for that, go sit by the new kid. his name is lee minho" she pointed to a boy sitting in the back, scribbling something in his notebook.

 i quietly groaned and trudged my way to the back of the room. he looked up at me, looking scared at my presence. i shot him an obviously fake smile and sat down in my chair. i boredly sat through the lesson and before i knew it, it was time for lunch. 



""EUNHAEEEEEEEEE" i heard behind me causing me to turn.

"yes, felix?" i questioned, grimacing. 

"time for lunch. wanna invite your new friend over there?" he teased, pointing to minho behind me. 

i shook my head, continuing to pack up. i watched as he walked over to him and started conversation, and then walking  back with him by his side.



"minho, this is eunhae, your seatmate. eunhae, minho will be joining us today at lunch" he smirked, grabbing us both by the arm and dragging us to the lunch room. 

when we reached the lunch room, the boys went to the lunch line while i sat down with my box lunch. i had already started eating when the boys came back to the table , felix flopping in his seat while minho gently sank into his seat. me and felix were joking around when i noticed minho writing in his journal. 

"what are you writing, minho?" i asked, shooting him a quizzical look.

"h-huh? oh nothing" he said, looking back down at his notebook.

me and felix shot each other a weird look before finishing our food. the bell rang, causing us to get up to throw our trash away. as i got closer to the trash i got shoved, causing me to fall. i anticipated the fall, closing my eyes and scrunching up my nose. but i never hit the ground. i opened my eyes to someone with their arm around my waist. i turned to see......

(a/n)- hehehehehe a cliff hanger ig. sorry this chapter took so long to publish. i hope you enjoyed it.

 dont forget to comment and vote. have a wonderful day/ night and wash your hands!! love you all ( also tell me if you have any criticism i will gladly take it) :0

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