Chapter 12

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3rd person POV:

Budo was up early like usual. He liked to wake up early so he would have time to get a little training in to start his day before going to school to train even more and teach.

At first he did it to become stronger, but now it’s part of his daily  routine. If he doesn’t do it, he doesn’t feel 100% motivated for the day.

After Budo was done, he noticed he still had time, so he decided to go to school, after eating some breakfast. As Budo walked to school he noticed someone up ahead.

“hey Osana-san" Budo said to the girl waiting in front of a house who he presumed belonged to the Yamada's

“hey Budo-san" said the girl with a annoyed face
“what’s wrong?” said Budo as he took notice of her body language
“ugh, Taro said he was going to wake up early today, but here I am waiting for him, ugh, can’t he ever wake up early" Budo started to chuckle a little while Osana was venting to him.

“I got this" Budo bent down and grabbed a rock
“are you crazy, your going to break his window!” Osana yelled at him. Budo then put the rock down and grabbed the smallest pebble he could find
“is this better for you my princess” Budo said showing the rock
“how do you know if that will wake him up" she asked in her annoyed voice      
“only one way to find out" and next thing they knew there was a broking window. Both stood there in shock for a split second before Budo grabbed her arm and started to run
  “you Baka, look what you did!” Osana continued to scold him till they made it to the front gate of the school “Baka, what…… am I going……. to do when Taro asks me what …….happened ” said Osana who was kind of out of breath
  “just tell him you were with me” said Budo with a smile
   “doing what" she said gaining her breath back
   “hmm……” Budo pondered on it “say your going to join the Martial Arts club” Budo said already handing her a paper
  “Baka, I’m not going to join that club” Budo’s smile kind of went away
  “why, were always open for new members” Budo said trying to give her the paper
  “I said no" Budo sighed in defeat
  “fine…..oh, here take it” Budo said with his usual smile
  “Baka, I sai-" before she could finish Budo stops her
  “just tell him I asked you to come to school early for something, and when he asks you what it was, you can show him this” Osana hesitated but took it in the end “alright see ya" Osana just looked the other way, still mad at Budo for breaking her senpai’s window.

  After saying bye, Budo made his way towards the Martial Arts club, where he finds someone waiting for him.
   “Budo Masuta” Budo just smiled and replied
   “that’s me, don’t wear it out" silence filled the air for a split second before Budo broke the silence
  “ahem….so what does the Student Council Club President want with  little old me" Budo said with a smile
   “you need to participate in the club presidents meetings, or I’ll have no choice but to revoke you of your title” said Megami with her usual serious voice and cold look.
   “So your saying if you had a choice, you’ll keep me as the Martial Arts Club President” Budo said with a innocent look
   “don’t change the subject and at least come once week" Budo shrugged and agreed to the terms
  “you know what, instead of coming once a week, I’ll come all the time” this amused Megami
  “I’ll believe it when I see it" she said
  “and if I do, you have to have a sparring match with me” said Budo in excitement
  “you want me to fight you, the strongest guy in school" Budo chuckled a little
   “don’t pull that with me, I heard that you can handle your self, and I just want to see”  said Budo
   “hmm….maybe" said Megami before leaving “just make sure you show up" she said before disappearing from his sight.

  Budo finally made it to his club room and began training. It was usually just Budo the club room during the start of school and after, so it didn’t bother him that he was by himself, something he’s used to. Before Budo thought of anything else someone came in. Budo grabbed the punching bag and look at the door to see who came in.
   “good morning Aishi-san" said Budo, happy to see one of his club members
   “good morning to you too Masuta-san" she said before closing the door behind her.
  “did you want to get the blood pumping this morning” Ayano shook her head no and replied
  “I was wondering if you could show me around the other clubs” Budo then got on his knees
  “No you can’t leave the Martial Arts club, I Promise you this will come in handy in the future, like let’s say your coming home from work and someone is following you, you’ll be able to protect yourself” Before went on and on about how useful Martial Arts skills were Ayano stopped him
   “I’m no leaving the club, I was just……curious, that’s all" Budo sighed in relief and go up from his knees
   “is that all, sure we can do it during club hours….after a little bit of training”

   Ayano shook her head showing she understood and before they knew it the bell rung signaling it was time for class.

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