Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV:

Ayano was in her classroom looking at Osana from behind thinking of a way to kill her before next Friday.

'how do I kill her?......I know I want it to be simple and I don't want to get blood should I do it'

The bell rang signalling it was time for lunch.

Ayano gets up and walks out still thinking about how to kill her, till she walked into something or someone.

"Ah..." Said Ayano as she rubbed her now red noes. Ayano looked up to see who it was. "Watch  where your going" said Ayano till she saw who it was.

"Ah I'm sorry about that........ Aishi?" Ayano's heart started to skip a beat, wait that was an understatement, her heart was about to explode. There in front of her was her one and only Senpai.

"Are you okay Aishi-san" Ayano was speechless. Her Senpai was worried even though it was her fault. Ayano wanted to say sorry and that she's okay along with other things, but she couldn't even udder a single word.

Taro looked a little relived as a smug look crossed his face for a split second before returning back to his normal face.

They didn't know but there was someone watching them from around the corner and they caught that look Taro made.

"Were you going to have lunch with Masuta-san" said Taro as he looked at the Martial Arts Club a few doors down. Taro looked back at Ayano who was malfunctioning over him. "Hey Aishi-san would you like to have lun-" Taro was cut off. "Hey Aishi-san are ready for lunch" said Budo as he put his arm around her "ah, hey Yamada" Budo said as he waved at him with his free hand. "Osana-san is looking for" Taro shook his head "ah...right I was suppose to meet her up at the roof top.......thanks Masuta-san" said Taro as he started to leave.

Budo looked down at his friend and saw her still freaking out. Budo put a hand in front of her trying to get her attention but failed to do so. Budo sighed before flicking her nose which still hurt, but it did cause Ayano to come back to earth. Ayano put hands on her nose as she took notice of her surroundings.

"You really are lovesick aren't you" said Budo as he still had his arm around her. Ayano was confused. She could of swore she was just talking to her senpai.

Budo could tell she was confused. "Let's go eat" he said before walking twords his club with Ayano by his side. "Wait" said Ayano as she and Budo both stopped "why do you have your arm around me" said as she just took notice of it. "Well I saw you in trouble so I came to help plus I need a arm rest" said as he started to put weight on his arm as leaned on her.

Budo got off of her and laughed a little "I'm just messing" he said as he took his arm off of her.

Ayano was surprised that it didn't mind her, it felt natural that she didn't notice till now.

"Your not ready to be alone with Yamada as far as I can see, so by putting my arm around it shows I was only expecting to see you" said Budo. "Anyways I'm surprised you came here to eat lunch with me"

Now that he mentioned it, Ayano was surprised herself, she just unconsciously walked here.


Is what Ayano thought as she and Budo entered the club. Ayano was surprised to see some of the other club members here as well.

"Oi Budo I thought you went to go buy yourself lunch" said Sho Kunin as he was eating from his bento that he made himself "or did you change your mind about sharing mine" said Sho as he held out a piece of from his bento. Budo closed the door and walked in more, with Ayano tailing behind him "no offense, but if I take a bite of that, I will die right here and now" said Budo as he sat down with Ayano next to him "no argument there" said Juku Rin.

"You guys are just jealous you can't make anything this awesome and delicious" said Sho in a proud voice. "More like poison then food" said Juku before taking a bite from his bento.

Budo looks around "no Mina or Shima?" Said Budo as he saw they weren't here. "I think they went out to get lunch" said Sho

"Anyways, did you get your lunch" said Sho. Budo sighed and looked up well digging through his pocket "I got a piece of bread" both Sho and Juku look at him     "it was a mad house, they were all animals down there" said Budo as he tried to justify himself till the door of the club room opened causing everyone to look "were here" said Mina with Shima behind her.

"Budo cat-" before Shima could tell him Mina through something at him which he caught. " Nice try" said Budo with a smirk "ahh, come on" said Mina with frustration in her voice as they made their way in. "Good luck next time" said Budo as he looked at what he caught. It was a pizza bread "ahh, you guys are so uh, I can't thank you enough" said Budo as he stairs at the bread with joy.  

Before Budo started to munch down on his bread he looked back at Ayano who was quitly eating her bento. "Hey Ayano come sit closer with use" said Budo as he patted at the ground next to him.

Ayano nodded before sitting down closer with the rest of her new club members.

They all talk to one another for the rest of the lunch break.

It looked like Ayano was in a good mood to Budo and she was. Not because of what Budo did, but because he and her new club members helped her find a way to kill Osana.

'now I just need to find the poison'

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