I stick my tongue out and then tackle him, pushing him under the water. Bentley picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. Squeezing my ass before kissing me.

Harley: Mmmmm....


Peyton: Hey, Harley, are you back yet?

                                     The apartment is silent but something feels weird....off....

Peyton: I guess not...

                              Peyton puts her camera bag and purse on the kitchen counter before going to her room......she sees Harley's door ajar.

Peyton: I wonder if she came by while I was gone....I'll text her.

Peyton: "Hey"

Harley: "Hey, what's up?"

Peyton: "Did you come by the apartment earlier?"

Harley: "Noooo.....why?"

Peyton: "Your door was open but I swore I closed it before I left this morning....I guess I just thought I did.

Harley: "Oh okay...no I haven't been home. We will be by later, we are at the beach currently."

Peyton: "Okay, see y'all soon. Gonna go take a shower. Love you."

                                Peyton puts her phone down and goes to the bathroom, starting the shower while stripping off her clothes.


                       Joey's phone pings with movement on his spy camera app. He takes out his phone and looks at it.

Joey: Oh...Peyton is in the shower.

Joey: I'll look at this later.

                          He chuckles and puts his phone away.


Harley: Well that was weird....

Bentley: What was?

Harley: Peyton said she came home and my bedroom door was open,  but she closed it before she left the house.

Bentley: Hmmmm... It's probably nothing. She just didn't realize that she didn't close the door all the way.

Harley: Yea.....yea I guess so...

                                 I lay back on the towel and Bentley rolls over to look at me.

Bentley: Hey, you ready to grab some food and head back to your place?

Harley: Yea, okay.

                             Bentley stands up and pulls me up. He swiftly kisses me and puts everything in the bag. He grabs my hand and starts walking toward the boardwalk.

                               We both sit down at the patio table underneath an umbrella at this little seafood place. I look up from the menu and see him smiling at me.

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