Chapter 23: Into the Unknown

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"I don't quite understand your plan" Mumbo murmured, peeking around the corner.

"I told you!" Ocean whispered with an exasperated sigh. "When a new soul enters the realm, we can slip in beside them before the portal closes"

"Yeah, but you said that the realm was nearly impossible to navigate if you weren't a God of death"

"I know" she nodded. "That's why I'll wait by the gateway and keep it open while you go get Chaos"

Mumbo crossed his arms.

"How do I know you won't just leave the two of us stranded in there?"

Ocean rolled her eyes.

"This is going to take a lot longer if you continue to question all my decisions" she huffed.

Mumbo bit back a scathing reply and settled on a deep breath. It didn't matter right now. Besides, even being stuck in the realm of death with Grian was better than not having him at all.

The two God's crept down the dimly lit hallway of the dark palace, each creak of the floorboards and howl of the wind sending a chill down Mumbo's spine.

They slowed as they neared the end of the path, Mumbo's brow furrowing at the sight of a large rectangular structure made out of a stone with such a dark shade of violet, it was nearly black.

"Is... is that it?"

"Yeah" Ocean breathed, taking a long rope from her bag and giving one end to Mumbo. "Here. Tie this around your waist"

Mumbo did as he was told, his hands shaking as he struggled to tighten the knot.

"Here, let me..."

Mumbo glared at her and Ocean sighed deeply.

"Just let me help Mumbo. I'm on your side, remember?"

After a moment of hesitation, Mumbo reluctantly removed his hands, allowing her nimble fingers to fasten the rope securely around his middle.

"So now we wait?" He asked.

Ocean nodded.

"Shouldn't take too long. People are dying constantly"

"How do we know the portal will stay open?" Mumbo questioned nervously.

"I did some research in Language's library" Ocean admitted. "And apparently the portal will stay open as long as there is something sitting in it. If the rope stays tied around your waist, and my end is held so that its physical presence is recognized, you can find your way back and the gateway will stay open"

"Sounds almost too good to be true" Mumbo chuckled anxiously, trying desperately to diffuse the sense of dread building within his bones.

"Mn" Ocean hummed noncommittally, staring down the dark passageway. "I think I see something"

Mumbo followed her gaze and his eyes widened. A soft grey ball of smoke flew towards them, daintily flittering between the walls as though it was quite content to draw out its arrival as long as possible.

"Come on" Ocean rushed, pushing Mumbo towards the portal. "We have to be ready"

Mumbo stumbled into place, crouching slightly as he stepped into the obsidian frame and clung to the rope with white knuckles.

"Are-are you sure this is going to-"

Before he could finish, the orb suddenly shot towards him at a lightening speed. Mumbo shrieked and ducked his head, only raising his eyes once he realized he had not been the target.

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