Chapter 2: Back to the Ground

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Before I begin, I would like to let you know that I have uploaded my first chapter of the Hermitcraft Harry Potter AU, so please check that out if you have time, and please let me know what you think.

Mumbo spent the next several months in a daze, dreaming of a purple cloak and a white mask. When he had asked Stress and Iskall about the God, they had shaken their heads, saying they had never seen or heard of a God matching that description.

"Why don't you ask one of the primaries?" Stress asked one day as she and Mumbo worked on completing the blueprints for a new machine they called 'a phonograph'.

Mumbo felt his palms start to sweat at her words and he quickly shook his head.

"I don't want to bother them"

"They aren't going to be angry with you or anything if that's what you're worried about" Stress said, nudging him gently. "I've never even seen Xisuma and Cub have an argument, and of all the Gods you would think that Life and Death would have the most disagreements"

"Yes but... look it's not important. I really don't care that much" Mumbo lied.

Stress scoffed.

"You are a horrible liar. Even if your face didn't turn red every time you lied-" Mumbo bowed his head "-you've been asking about this God for almost a year. What did he say that had you so enraptured?"

"I mean... nothing really. He just... wasn't polite. He didn't make me feel uncomfortable by pretending to like me. In fact he seemed to not like me at all!"

"And... you liked that?" Stress asked scrunching up her face in confusion.

"No! No I just - I want him to like me" Mumbo clamped his jaw shut before he could say I like his smile and I want to see it again.

He finished the details of the machine with a flick of his pencil.

"I think this should work. Once it has been on the ground for a couple decades people should start to use this sound technology for other things and hopefully it will naturally evolve on its own without us having to interfere"

"Great!" Stress exclaimed, forgetting the subject of the masked God in her excitement. "I can send them down then if you're ready"

"How do you want to do that?" Mumbo asked.

"Well... we could go about it a few different ways" she said, tapping her chin with her forefinger. "The easiest way is just to send the plans down with a lower level immortal"

Mumbo shook his head. He could still remember his years as a young immortal before his ascension. It was quite annoying to have the God's dirty work thrust onto him.

"I'll take it down myself. Find someone with the redstone skills to make this and relay the information"

"Why go through all that trouble?" Stress inquired.

"Don't you ever go down to the surface?" He asked, taken aback.

"Well yeah, every couple decades to make sure everything is in order" she said, a bit defensively. "But I never take down my work updates. Can you imagine how often I'd have to go down if I had to hand deliver every single Mozart opera and Brahms symphony? Gods that would be annoying"

I'm sure it's just as annoying for the immortals who have to do it Mumbo thought, but he nodded understandingly.

"Still, I'd prefer to do it myself"

Stress shrugged.

"To each their own I guess"

Unfurling her pale pink wings, preparing to leave.

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