Chapter 3

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"How big is this labyrinth?" Hoseok asked Jimin.

Both of them had been walking for a while along the stone paths of the labyrinth, and it seemed like they weren't really getting anywhere.

"Dunno," Jimin replied, "Taehyung is always expanding or changing it."

"Taehyung?" Hoseok repeated, curiously looking at Jimin who was fiddling with a rock, extracting a shiny gem from the rough stone.

"The Goblin King," Jimin said, "although, don't say his name-"

"Why?" Hoseok interrupted, "it's just a name."

"Just a name?" Jimin hissed, "names have power. If he hears you say his name, especially in here, he'll know exactly where you are!"

Hoseok stared at Jimin, "really?" He asked, "then, won't he come to find us since you said his name?"

Jimin shrugged, "we'll have to see," he murmured, continuing to walk through the paths, but came to a stop before a large clearing.

"What is it?" Hoseok asked, peeking over Jimin's head.

He looked through the large arch to see a tall man hunched over himself. He must have been at least 10 feet tall, and he was sobbing into his hands.

"It's just a giant," Jimin hissed, "let's leave! Giants are known to be nasty fucks." He grabbed Hoseok's arm and tugged on it, but Hoseok didn't move.

"He looks so sad though," he said, "can't I ask him what's wrong?"

Jimin's face twisted into a grimace again, "if you want to, you can. But it's your funeral."

Hoseok scoffed a little and turned away, rushing to the large man who was still sobbing.

"Hey," he said gently, holding out his hands and touching the man's bare arm. The man paused his crying and tilted his head up, sniffling wetly.

His eyes were large and soulful and soaked with tears. He messily wiped his nose, snot trailing on his knuckles.

"Y...Yeah?" He mumbled.

Hoseok kindly smiled, "are you alright? I could hear you crying and came to see what was wrong."

The large man shook his head, "I'm just kinda sad," he whimpered, "those mean Goblins took my things."

"Your things?" Hoseok repeated, "what things?"

The giant wiped his nose again, sniffling loudly. "My glasses," the giant said, "I can't see without them."

"Do you want me to go find them?" Hoseok asked, "I'm sure they can't have gone far!"

The giant nodded, "t-that's okay," he said, "but what can I do for you in return?" He asked.

"Well, do you know the way to the castle?" Hoseok asked, "you can come and help us find it?"

The giant nodded, wiping his eyes again. "I think I know where it is. Just find my glasses and I'll help you."

Hoseok grinned and nodded, "I'll find them!" He said, turning around to see Jimin poking out from behind a wall, his eyes narrowed a little.

"Come on, Jimin!" He called, "we have to go find his glasses!"

"What?" Jimin snapped, "why? We don't need to help him! If we wanna get to the castle, we don't have time to help everyone we see."

Hoseok pouted, "come on, he just needs his glasses. Please, let me help him."

Jimin rolled his eyes, scoffing and shaking his head. "Fine. But make this quick."

Hoseok nodded and ran off into the labyrinth, where he could already hear some voices. He slowed his run to a jog and peeked from out behind a wall.

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