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"hey you didn't happen to see emma and chris anywhere did you?" minho asked while adjusting his suspenders.

hyunjin took a final sip before placing his cup down for good. it was empty though, so i didn't worry about drugs or anything. he stood from his leaning against the catering table and fixed his shirt. i felt my self race faster.

"follow me." hyunjin ordered.


" i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory."  a quote by lin manuel miranda. 

i was a hamilton geek as a kid to be honest. i saw that show twice and i remember it so vividly. the lights, the stage, the variety of actors. i owned the cd and listened to the songs a ton. but the dialogue from "the world was wide enough" just makes me think. was this where it gets me? 

i had no clue where i was being lead to but the walk took us a bit and lots of sneaking in silence. i bet we weren't even supposed to be back there. every time someone had passed, hyunjin would stop . yea we definitely shouldn't be back here. eventually we were lead into a long hall way that was closed off by large metal doors. 

i had been staring at the floor the whole time that i didn't notice we had company until the door shut behind me and i saw hyunjin and mihno's feet stop by my side. i looked up. hyunjin hadn't lied about knowing where chris and emma were. they were right here .

but this didn't feel right. the door shut behind me and hyunjin made sure it was shut before slowly walking toward the center of the circle of people. "jisung." emma whispered. she ran up to me and hugged me tight. i hugged her back. it was gentle for a moment. 

all my thoughts flushed away in the safety of emma's arms. she was all warm and a little bit sweaty but i didn't mind as so way i. minho and chris just silently waved before looking back at us and hyunjin . there eyes moved back and forth and around. 

"you can lay it off now you two. your little party is over." my eyes shot open. i released emma and looked wide eyed at hyunjin. emma slowly backed up to chris, whos expression was like a joking and confused one. hyunjin slowly approached the center of the circle of people he had gathered. 

"now jisung. let's compare our faces here for a second." hyunjin began. he looked at me while the other three people in the room exchanged confusing looks to see if anyone knew what was going on . even emma and i had been a bit confused . 

"your handsome face of beauty is scared right now. and only i know why. but you never truly understood fear until you walked in my foot steps, jisung. " he backed out of my face and to the center of the hall we were now pretty much trapped in. 

"now as for my face. my face has already dealt with the fear. " a laceration... on- on his cheek. it was a deep cut and looked new . holy shit... that is not a good sign . emma's eyes watered quickly and she cowered back a bit closer to chris. minho just stared. i could tell he was starting to get anxious. 

" i hope you realize what you're doing to me. to everyone here han jisung. cause it is damage. pure damage. and you're just heartless." hyunjin hollered. his eyes were shot open and his lungs short of breath as he raged out the words. 

minho slowly got closer to me and hid behind my shoulder a bit as if afraid. "ji what is he talking about... im scared." i felt a knife dig into my chest at that point. poor minho was so unaware at all that was happening. how would i get out of this. i couldn't lie. 

"come here, minho." emma whispered. he slowly walked over to her and held the girls small hand as both were shaken. everyone had been facing me now. all of their eyes. they stood only feet in front of me. was this how things would happen... right here right now.

"my life at home is miserable, jisung. my parents remind me daily . hourly. that i am a disappointment. and do you know why ?" i couldn't talk. he was so close to my face. his stare made me freeze. "DO YOU KNOW WHY?!" 

"n-no." i whispered, finally turning my gaze to my shoes. my body was physically shaking and you could see chris try to slowly approach. "hyunjn. jisung" he called out. "what the hell is going on?!" chris was confused as hell and just wanted answers. so did minho but he was rather startled and you could tell his anxiety was starting to fly. and that really worried me...

"chris let me explain. and i don't know if you'll love or hate me for this but. i really like emma. i love her at this point. and to see her with this- this manipulator that made us his puppet on strings is just preventing me from so much. " hyunjin turned and explained to chris who had this quirky yet confused and stressed look plastered on his face. " chris my dad did this to me. because i couldn't get a girl to go with. i even tried asking emma but . she had jisung."

chris felt sympathy but a bit of reasoning within his mind. he looked back to emma who was too busy comforting minho to know what was going and then he looked to me who turned my gaze away. "i- i don't understand. i mean if you told me you could've come and stayed with me or we could've called the police. and jisung i'm sure you would've let him go with emma... is there a reason you didn't?" 

was- was it my turn to speak..? cause i didn't want to and i didn't have anything to say and and... and i just cant do this any longer... but hyunjin spoke for me again anyways. 

"see chris i hid this from you. but i never lied about it . " chris thought about what hyunjin was saying and it was very true. hyunjin never lied about his home life because he never spoke about it in the first place.  and chris believed him. and i believed him. because unlike me hyunjin could admit his mistakes and tell the truth. 

"but jisung. jisung is just a twisted liar. " 

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