The second meeting

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Today you 're happy, you 're also excited, you cannot wait to see Lockon again, he really made your day yesterday and you hope he 'll do the same today.

Like everyday I opened at 8AM, everyone noticed that I'm really excited and happy today, also I prepared a little today to be more pretty, and styiled my hair too but I have to keep them tied but I still managed it.

The day goes on and I didn't noticed that Lockon was already here, I blushed a little and when he came in I smiled like he does
"Hi Lockon, I'm happy to see you again today!"
"Hi [your name] I'm happy to see you too and also you seem prettier"
He noticed! I started to feel my face hot than ever and then he talked
"So have you any propose for today order?"
"If I can, I want you to try my design cappuccino with my special sweetheart chocolate brownies "
"You convinced me, I like your sweetheart styile, it's sweet like you"
I blushed again and smiled, I fell some tension but he is still looking at me, he is so cute, he smiles everytime he says something
"I'm curious, what do you do?"
"I'm (he lower his voice to not be heared, his voice is really hypnotic) I'm a Gundam Meister "
"No way! You joking?!"
"No I'm not, I 'll understand if you don't want me here anymore, I wanted you to know it because I want to be honest with you "
Honestly he really surprised me, so he really trust me this much, he is not smiling right now,he seems to be worried and is worried a
lot. I konw about those Gundam and what they do with them, but I don't care, he is so precious and cute and gentle and some on, I don't want lose him , so to ensure him I smiled and said
"Lockon, I want you here every monrning, you 're my special costumer"
He looked at me surprised and then he smiled at me, he was really happy and I was too
"[your name] listen, I want a date with you"
When I heard that I completely freezed with the carafe in my hands
"Lockon ? Don't you think it's.."
When I turned he was standing in front of me, he touched my hair and strocked gently my cheeks, after that he also strocked my lips, he looked at me in the eyes and softly bit his down lip, then he looked me again, my heart was exploding and the carafe was falling from my hands, in that moment the whole coffeshop was freezd, but it didn't last so much, when his lips were near to mine someone cut us off abruptly
"Auntie he is"
"Lockon Stratos, it's a pleasure, I'm dating [your gender]"
"I see, so you two 're like together?"
My aunt face was really strange, she was like angry and at the same time she was...disgusted? I don't understand why.

I prepared the cappuccino with a heart design in it and his brownies, meanwhile my aunt was there for bother me meanwhile I work (she also bothered Lockon and I don't know why)
"[your name] we 'll se tomorrow at 8PM ok? We 'll have dinner out toghter"
"Yes, see you tomorrow Lockon"
He kissed gently me on the cheek and my aunt was really disappointed, but I don't care, I'm an adult, I can do anything I want.

The day passed and my aunt came back to her home in Ireland, tomorrow 'll be a beautiful and exciting day!

Hooked up in a feeling, Lockon StratosXReader [Barista edition]Where stories live. Discover now