Someone New

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It's another day, you 're opening your coffeshop at 8 AM and you 're very tired because last night you worked until late

The usual costumers start to came, first of

them is an ex schoolmate of mine Cameron, he moved to Japan because of work my mom did, but I'm happy to see that he is fine, now he has a family, a wife that he loves so much and a daughter, he says that he is happy, but his face was saying the opposite, well I think that it's too early to me to made up a family, I'm still young

An old woman with her grandson, I know her grandson but I don't know her, he introduced me her and ordered a cafelatte and a macchiato

The two students that before of starting school they always have an iced coffe togher. They 're so pretty, so young and thoughtless, I wish I could go back to those days, when mom was still here.

The day is going on as always, but someone just entered, strange for this time but fine, I think that I'll earn some more money than usual, It's a young man that seems to be my same age, but a little older than me, I think like 2 or 3 years, he looked around, he seems curious, it's natural I think, he 've never been there. He seems cute, with his light brown long hair and his sweet features, also he has a good sense of styile with his green t-shirt and brown jacket, he also has brown pants and boots.

After he looked around he started walking towards the counter:
"Good morning Sir. , How can I help you?"
He was looking at the price chart on the wall behind me and I noticed that he also has light blu eyes, they 're gorgeous
"I 'll have an Iced tea [your gender] thanks"
"Yes if you want something else, a cupcakes or some pastry? They 're all handmaded"
"Oh if you say so, I 'll take the best pastry you made"
when he said it he smiled, I think I blushed in that moment because he giggled a little, but I returned the smile and then I took a piece of my special sweet heart raspberry tart and prepared the iced coffee, he looked at me all the time long, I was a little embarrassed
"So your name is [your name]"
"Yes it is, and yours?"
"My name is Lockon Stratos"
"You're not Japanese, Sir "
"You neither(another sweet smile)"
"No I'm not, I'm Irish but I had to move on because of my mom's work"
"Oh I see, I'm Irish too"
"Really, Sir?"
"Yes I'am, you know? Your pastry and your coffee are the best, I 'll return tomorrow for some more, don't go away ok?"
After that he smiled again, and I blushed and smiled again, also I nooded at him
"Another thing, please don't call me sir, call me Lockon please, I'm [your name]?"
after that I nooded again and he smiled, I really like his smile. He payid and he was on his way, I wondered where such a person can work.

In that moment the old granny walked to me smiling and she said
"[your gender], he was really in to you and you too, don't lose him, good luck"
I smiled and thanked the old granny, after that the day passed like the other days but at least today I didn't worked until late.

Hooked up in a feeling, Lockon StratosXReader [Barista edition]Where stories live. Discover now