After we almost kissed

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Like everyday you have to open your coffeshop, but yesterday you forgot about something a little important that you want to do today.

I noticed that yesterday all the people that were at the coffeeshop noticed what happened with me and Lockon, but it's fine, I mean, we haven't done nothing bad, but everyone was happy for me and my situation with Lockon, I'm happy, really happy

After a while Lockon came and I had a big smile on my face, but him, he seemed to be worried? He was strange this morning
"Lockon! Good morning!"
"Lockon...what happened?"
"I'm...I'm fine just.."
"... I've never seen you like that,are you sure you 're ok?"
"No, I'm not"
"Lockon, so?"
"Well, it's something about my work so that's why I'm like that this morning"
"Lockon, may we talk outside? Obviously, if you want to"
"Yes, let's talk"
After going around the counter, he grabbed my hand gently and made a little smile to ensure that he 'll be fine, I like when he smile, I really like his smile.

"So Lockon, what happened?"
"Be a Gundam Meister it's not that simple, I have to see people dying like almost everyday and also see my friends dying too, you know, I lost my brother Neil because he was a Gundam Meister too.."
"Please, call me Lyle"
"Yes Lyle, Lockon Stratos is my code name as a Gundam Meister, I want you to call me Lyle"
I smiled relived
"Fine Lyle"
He smiled again and then he hugged me, meanwhile he kissed my head and because I'm not that tall I kissed his neck, after that neck kiss he looked at me and giggled a little, at first I didn't understand why he was giggling, but then it was clear. He started to kiss me on the neck to, but he kissed my neck softly, I was trembling with pleasure and he touched my hips. It was a trip in the pleasure land I think, I was still trembling a lot. He looked at me, I was red like a tomato
"Do you remember about tonight?"
"Yes I do, oh also, I want you to take my phone number, here it's "
He took the piece of paper with my number on and saved it immediately, after that he only took a little pastry and then he kissed my neck again to greet me. I was relived that he was fine, after a while my phone ringed, and it was a message from Lyle
"Hey [your name] i love you sm and I can't wait to see you again tonight, don't be late, I'll pick you up at home so later share your position❤️"
I blushed and then replied
"I love you too Lyle, later I 'll do it, see you tonight ❤️"

Hooked up in a feeling, Lockon StratosXReader [Barista edition]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora