
Warning: This part, going forward will be upsetting and disturbing to a few people. All I can say is have faith that I haven't written this carelessly. I have given it a lot of thought before using this incident as a plot device. And last but not least have faith in Kongpob and Arthit! 

Kong was supposed to meet Arthit the next day but unable to control his emotions anymore, his feet took him towards his boyfriend's apartment where he let himself in with his key.

Kongpob stumbled into the apartment. He knew Arthit would be asleep, but he wanted him. He was drunk, sad, and miserable. And more than that, he was heartbroken. He knew he couldn't go on like this, but he felt helpless.

He saw a figure lying on the bed buried in his quilt. The AC was high. He chuckled. So cute, his P'. Haphazardly stripping his clothes, he threw them around the room. He was feeling really light-headed and dizzy.

"How peacefully you sleep, P'!" he mumbled. He stood there, looking at the man who was his life. Around whom his world revolved. And to think he is losing him. That soon, this sun would no longer belong to him.

"Were we not happy?" he asked softly.

What will he do when Arthit decides to leave him? Will he be able to survive the breakup? How will he live if he didn't get to see his P's blushing shy face? How will he live without those dimples? How will he survive without his embrace? Without his smell? He was scared, the idea was daunting. And his head was a wild mess. The fear was so great that he wanted to throw up.

No! No! No! Arthit belonged to him, and he will never let anyone take him away. Never!

Unable to control the surge of emotions, he got on the bed and yanked the quilt away harshly.

Arthit woke up with a jolt and screamed when he saw a silhouette of a man on his bed looming over him and panicked he reached for the switch quickly turning on the light.

"What the hell?? Kong??? Kongpob? What are you doing here?? Damn it, Kong! You freaked me out," he shouted, placing a hand on his bare chest, trying to calm his heart. He checked the mobile and saw it was 1:43 am.

"Why are you here this late? I thought we were meeting tomorrow morning."

But Kong was lost to everything. All he could see and understand was that Arthit was right there in front of him, and he wanted him. He grabbed Arthit's head and pulled him into a merciless kiss.

Arthit was shocked! First, the shock of waking up so abruptly to find Kong there, and now Kong attacking his mouth so violently.

"Ko... Kong... let... let me go...ugh!" he tried to free himself, but Kong was like a man possessed. He kept forcing the kiss, and Arthit was feeling disgusted. Kongpob was stinking. The smell of alcohol and sweat was making him nauseous.

"KONG!!!" He shouted, violently pushing Kong off him.

Kongpob fell back on the bed. "What's wrong with you, Kong? How drunk are you to behave like this? Please go take a shower before you get back to bed."

But Kongpob was too far gone for any coherent thought. Reaching for Arthit again, he said, "Sorry, P'. Sorry. But please don't stop me. Please don't push me away. I need you... I need you... need you.." between kissing his face, ears, neck, and chest.

"Kong! No, wait... You are drunk... At least showe-" His words were cut off when Kong pulled him into another rough kiss.

"Oon... Oon... Oon..." he kept chanting between kisses as he grabbed onto Arthit's hair in a painful grip in one hand and used the other to rid Arthit of his pajama bottoms. He then removed his boxers and pushed Arthit back onto the pillow before putting his whole weight on him.

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