• 𝘹𝘹𝘪𝘪𝘪 - 𝘱𝘰𝘦

Start from the beginning

About 90% of the initiates are still in the room. All except for maybe five of them. This ought to scare them shitless and make them tell the truth. I count down three seconds, slamming the door of the extra large room shut, locking it behind me.

"Stay here. Do not leave this room. BB-8," I say, looking down at my spherical friend. "Keep them in here. Tase them if you have to."

He beeps in compliance and releases his tasing wand, aiming it at them.

"Good droid," I say.

I turn around, unlocking the door, slamming it behind me as I exit the dorms. I push the door of the Girl's restroom open. Elyse sits on the counter, pinching her nose. I look at another female initiate.

"Can you give us a minute?" I ask.

She nods, stepping out of the restroom. I kick the door shut behind her, locking it.

"Poe, what are you doing?" Elyse asks.

I approach her, turning her to face me.

"Give me that," I say, taking the gauze from her hand.

She rolls her eyes as I make a plug for the bleeding.

"Poe, in case you forgot, I'm a Doctor. I know what I'm doing." She says.

I look up at her from my hands, raising an eyebrow. I place the plug in her nose, blocking the blood for now.

"Well, right now, you're doing a pretty shitty job at stopping that bleeding, huh?" I ask.

She punches my arm. I laugh. I take the washcloth, wiping the blood from her lips.

"There, now it looks like it never even happened." I say.

We look at each other, our eyes piercing through one another.

"He left because of me—my dad." She says.

I shake my head, shrugging as scratch my eyebrow.

"You know, we may never understand why he left. But, it wasn't your fault." I say. "Something bad happened out there and Han had to cope with it in his own way."

Her hazel eyes are striking as they stare up at me.

"Poe, it is my fault. My father always loved Ben a little bit more, that was obvious. Losing Ben... it broke something in him." She says. "Something that I wasn't strong enough to fix within him before he left."

I shake my head, looking down at her feet that dangle over the counter. Her left boot is untied.

"He loved you more than you know... He's just coping. I know it." I say.

I lift her off of the counter, walking her out of the restroom. I unlock the door and walk her to the dorms. BB-8 still holds out his taser at ready, a very threatening appearance becomes him.

"Tomorrow morning, go get that checked by Marlene and Piper. They'll know what to do if it's broken." I say.

Elyse scoffs begins me, then laughs quietly.

"Poe! I am a Doctor! I know what to do if it's broken." She says.

I laugh, shrugging. Gage Carter pulls a tank top on, glaring at me. Elyse's smile drops.

"You know you only made it into this program because of Han's favoritism for you because you're his daughter." He says.

I shake my head, glaring at him.

"No, she didn't Carter. It had nothing to do with Han's favoritism. It had to do with mine." I say. "I begged for General Organa to allow her into this program because I know that she is capable enough to excel."

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